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Forums - Sony Discussion - Final Fantasy XIII Is Going To Be Amazing!

FF XIII launch week I see 6 million copies of the game sold first week.
One million PS3's could be sold during FF XIII launch week.
FF XIII will be the best game of the generation. Second best will be GT 5.

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sorry but for any game this generation to be the best it will have to beat MGS4...

I really don't see GT 5 doing that....maybe FF13 will

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

lolita said:
konnichiwa said:

(Wakka and Lulu and their baby awesome!)...

Weird baby name though... Vidina O-o

Rikku, Yuna in FFX-2 reminded me of the avarage 13-14 year old girls....Annoying, laughing to much etc;..

Lol... So true! XD


 =p..  Vidina weird name?   What about his parents?

My fathers name is Wakka and my mom's name is Lulu..

All the other kids will be like.....WUT?

Zuhyc said:
Riachu said:
the_bloodwalker said:

I agree. Some even say (including me) that FF lost its touch.


Maybe FFIV on DS can make me believe again
FFXII is a great game but it just doesn't have the same magic that previous FF games. Hopefully, FFXIII could finally bring the series(and S-E) back to its glory days. It also doesn't help that they keep milking the franchise. KH is really popular but you don't see that series getting milked(I am aware of the DS and PSP game).


You got some pretty positive predictions there :D

It isn't a bad thing to be optimistic.  It just seems that S-E are improving substantally especially since Crisis Core and TWEWY came out.


FFXIII and Versus XIII will be two of the best RPGS ever made. I am on the same boat with the person who made this thread. As a huge RPG fan, this is the game that I have been anticipating the most ever since the new generation began. GTAIV (undoubtably) and MGS4 will most likely do better in terms of sales, but I can't see any game being better than a new generation installment of Final Fantasy.

It's the best series ever!

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perpride said:

FFXIII and Versus XIII will be two of the best RPGS ever made. I am on the same boat with the person who made this thread. As a huge RPG fan, this is the game that I have been anticipating the most ever since the new generation began. GTAIV (undoubtably) and MGS4 will most likely do better in terms of sales, but I can't see any game being better than a new generation installment of Final Fantasy.

It's the best series ever!

Uhhh....Ever heard of MGS4?


Riachu said:
perpride said:

FFXIII and Versus XIII will be two of the best RPGS ever made. I am on the same boat with the person who made this thread. As a huge RPG fan, this is the game that I have been anticipating the most ever since the new generation began. GTAIV (undoubtably) and MGS4 will most likely do better in terms of sales, but I can't see any game being better than a new generation installment of Final Fantasy.

It's the best series ever!

Uhhh....Ever heard of MGS4?


It`s on the post, so I think he did...

Quem disse que a boca é tua?

Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!

FFXIII is the game I'm most antecipating this gen too. SE has been working too long on this one to go wrong. I'm positive it will be at least above average. I know some of you realy hate some of the FFs, but can you really put them in the "bad game" category?
I saw this thread and I started to think about FF X-2 again. I hate that game so much I broke the disc. I don`t think the game is bad. The graphics are good, sound is ok, the job system offers some solid gameplay... it's an overall good game. But the teen setting of the game makes me want to vomit. But that's just me.

Quem disse que a boca é tua?

Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!

We can all hope..

I wasn't hyped from that trailer... Maybe this time will be good

Johann said:
FFXIII is the game I'm most antecipating this gen too. SE has been working too long on this one to go wrong. I'm positive it will be at least above average. I know some of you realy hate some of the FFs, but can you really put them in the "bad game" category?
I saw this thread and I started to think about FF X-2 again. I hate that game so much I broke the disc. I don`t think the game is bad. The graphics are good, sound is ok, the job system offers some solid gameplay... it's an overall good game. But the teen setting of the game makes me want to vomit. But that's just me.
The teen setting makes me want to vomit to and I am a teen