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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - what game on wii has the best story?

Outside of a few choice games (most of which you own), the Wii is unfortunately lacking in big story-based games right now. That's changing, though, with games like Tales 2.

That said, it looks like you like Trauma Centre, so why not try out New Blood? It has a new story-line, and coop to boot

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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brute said:

^well i played the witcher a bit and i liked it,are they similar to the witcher?

edit:also which baldurs gate?

 Play the first one and all of it's expansions if you don't mind the dated graphics. I haven't played much of the witcher, but baldur's gate is pretty different from what I did play. 

i did like second opinion,maybe i will give new blood a shot,also i have enough money to also get a pc game,should i get baldurs gate?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

sc94597 said:
brute said:

^well i played the witcher a bit and i liked it,are they similar to the witcher?

edit:also which baldurs gate?

 Play the first one and all of it's expansions if you don't mind the dated graphics. I haven't played much of the witcher, but baldur's gate is pretty different from what I did play. 

ok,also will i need to also get the second so i can understand the full story,or they wont be connected

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

brute said:
i did like second opinion,maybe i will give new blood a shot,also i have enough money to also get a pc game,should i get baldurs gate?

 Yeah, you could probably find it very cheap since it's a 10 year old game.

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brute said:
sc94597 said:
brute said:

^well i played the witcher a bit and i liked it,are they similar to the witcher?

edit:also which baldurs gate?

 Play the first one and all of it's expansions if you don't mind the dated graphics. I haven't played much of the witcher, but baldur's gate is pretty different from what I did play. 

ok,also will i need to also get the second so i can understand the full story,or they wont be connected

Um you could play the first, then get the second. I don't recommend getting the second before the first though.


^ill try to get it tomorrow on gamestop,cause those have to much time left,if i cant find it on gamestop i will just get it off ebay

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

If we include GCN games it would be Eternal Darkness. Wii only would be MP3 or Zelda, but neither of those has a story worth writing home about.

^unfortunately i also own eternal darkness

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

sc94597 said:
brute said:
sc94597 said:
brute said:

^well i played the witcher a bit and i liked it,are they similar to the witcher?

edit:also which baldurs gate?

 Play the first one and all of it's expansions if you don't mind the dated graphics. I haven't played much of the witcher, but baldur's gate is pretty different from what I did play. 

ok,also will i need to also get the second so i can understand the full story,or they wont be connected

Um you could play the first, then get the second. I don't recommend getting the second before the first though.


Definately not. BG must be played in order. BG2 picks up, sort of, where BG1 left off, with many of the same characters, and would give away some of the better parts of BG1 - plus you'd be lost on many of the little in jokes. 

Get BG1, 2 and the 3(?) expansion packs, and set aside 200 hours or so for some great role playing!

Do NOT get the later BG games made for the PS2. Very different beasts.