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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is Qore worth it?

The only thing that really makes Qore worth it, is it's exclusive downloads like betas and demos. All Qore really is, is playstation underground for the PS3.

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no qore exlcusive demos have been released yet so it is all pure speculation. Allow me to speculate that all qore exclusive demos or themes will be availabel for free o the public withing at least 1-2 months. Its just common sense. plus qore has an exclusive Starwars digital comic a free minigame hd videos and socom beta access its on3 bux. PLUS YOU DONT HAVE TO BUY IT IF YOU DON"T WANT TO stop making it sound like a service its a product.

annual subscription for me from back from the first episode...i really enjoyed the uniqueness of the presentation...looking forward to the rest of year :)

Profcrab said:
TheRealMafoo said:

Profcrab said:

bla, bla

bla, bla

I never want to hear one Sony fanboy who pays the subscription ever complain about XBL charging ever again ...


I don´t have a PS3, but i think these people could complain that while they´re paying for Qore, it is optional, but they don´t have to pay to play online, which, i think is a lot more important than demos. Yes, Sony could make people start paying for demos, whic sucks, but i don´t think they´re going to do it for every demo. I think Sony will try something like pay-per-view on cable. While it takes a regular person with cable 3 months (i´m guessing) to watch a movie after that was in the movie theater, a person that pays for pay-per-view gets in half that time.

Yes, to me it is worth it. HD is nice.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



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yeah and 1080p at that :)

I haven't bought it because 1) it's just encouraging them to release all the future demos on this and charge for it and 2) I don't want to pay just to be advertised to.

I like it...only because they give hd interviews and access to betas

Profcrab said:
TheRealMafoo said:

Oh, so charging for exclusive previews is now the next step in DLC? Yep, you can buy the subcription, 1/2 the cost of XBL for a year, and you get HD previews and some demos. I might see paying to get into a beta, but if you have to pay for a demo, you just got ripped off. I never want to hear one Sony fanboy who pays the subscription ever complain about XBL charging ever again. The humorous thing is, if it wasn't for Qore, you would probably get those demos for free. It isn't fanboy BS, this shit should be free. You are paying for marketing and demos.

I give that post a 9.2.

i give your post a  -999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999

for trying to qore charging to xbl charging.

1. qore is an online magazine and is optional to buy

2. you dont have to buy qore to play online

3. if you dont buy qore you still get to play online for free, yup, FREE

4. if you dont pay for the xbl service yuu dont get to play online, yup, NO ONLINE PLAY IF YOU DONT PAY

now i dont want to hear you trying to compare the two again as obvsiouly, you dont know what the hell your talking about.

i gived my post 5 stars amd a niknak

I got Qore eps 2 for the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm demo. I didn't pay for it, one of my sucker friends paid for it because he wanted to play the game so bad. I was willing to wait 2 weeks for it, but oh well, got it for free. Anyways, OT, Qore IMO is NOT worth the money. The exclusive content is not really "exclusive" because u can get into the socom beta w/o Qore and the Naruto demo comes out in 2 weeks (the 2 big selling points of Qore eps 1 and 2 IMO). Like Starcraft said (although in a very trollish manner), you can get the videos on youtube making Qore even harder to justify a purchase.