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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What future game release will make you buy another console?

Banjo Kazzoie is game that might make me buy a 360

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A release of a game which I buy and destroys one of my existing consoles. That's the only way to make me buy another console in this gen.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Im gonna buy the cheapest 360, whatever its price may be, just to play banjo threeie. I doubt that I'll get many more games for it unless they're really good (looks at gears of war 2)


Nothing would push me into another console.

I say this with utmost confidence since I'm pretty sure KH3 will go the Wii.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Well, with an X360 already you don't really need anything else.

But with 5 good exclusive games and a $250 price tag I'd consider buying a PS3:

  • Sodow of the Colussos 2
  • a 2nd Team ICO game
  • Okami guys going HD?
  • unknown
  • unknown

Also, a dirt cheap Wii with the next gen Zelda is not out of the question.

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Munkeh111 said:
1:1 lightsaber game + KH 3 for a Wii

What does 1:1 mean?

A better sistem than the Wii-mote with its lag (delay betwen motion and screen effect)?

Looks like lots of people might buy 360 for Banjo. If the game is an 8.5/10 game or higher, it would be foolish for Microsoft not to advertise this game up. 30 year old males looking for an excuse to buy a 360 for their family could use banjo as an excuse for buying a "family" console. Or parents might decide to buy 360 for their kids for some reason... and plenty of Banjo fans who don't follow Xbox and are unaware of the game.

The new Banjo Game made me want 360. I got one before I realised it's not going to be what I wanted. -_-

Machina-AX said:
Already own all 3.

The only thing I don't own is a PSP and I can't really see myself buying one no matter what is released on it because I just don't 'get' portable gaming and the only reason we have a DS is that it's for the whole family to use (I rarely use it myself).

 Its more personal, and you're not "trapped. I dunno, those are the main reasons I like portable gaming though XD

As in.... "Can't wait" nothing. Cause i've got a huge back catalogue of games.

Well perhaps Ogre Battle or Front Mission 6.

I'll get all the systems eventually either way. Well maybe not 360. I might wait for next generation and hope MS steps their BC game up.