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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do graphics matter?

sc94597 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
sc94597 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
People seem to forget that graphics don't just mean looking good.

Think about Assassins Creed. That game isn't possible on Wii, not because of HD textures and whatnot, but because of the sheer interactivity of the environment.

You can climb EVERY tiny little brick that sticks out of a vertical surface.
In Crysis, you can shoot any random tree in the jungle, and it will eventually break in two.

Things like this can improve a game greatly.

Sorry, but you are confusing graphics with physics. Now physics and AI are far more important than graphics.


That Assassins Creed example had nothing to do with physics or AI :/ Or did it? I'm not good with this stuff :P Well think about MP: Hunters then. Don't you think it lost a significant amount atmosphere and epicness on the crappy DS hardware? (compared to the other MP's)
No if the gameplay was similar to the other primes it would be a good game. Unfortunately the game was a bad game all around. It was far too linear. Had almost no aspects of a metroid game, and was basically a FPS while metroid games are more of adventure games. Also the brick interaction you described in AC is physical interactions between two objects or more. Which is physics. Graphics are visuals, while physics is how objects interact with eachother.

@Million There was a large thread with many people complaining about the graphics of GTAIV. I don't understand what you mean about the visuals being good to have good physics.


Alright firslty i'm going to say this thread is your trying to convince yourslef you don't need a HD console , it's pretty apparent your trying make yourself believe the inferior graphical capabilities of the Wii are adequet for you.

Definition of physics:

Computer animation physics or game physics involves the introduction of the laws of physics into a simulation or game engine, particularly in 3D

Based on this decision i'd say the first and foremost purpose of physics in a game is realism , bullets bouncing of a wall , diving of an aeroplane and the characters clothes reacting to air resistance = physics , the crappier the physics the less realistic the game.



Because of the graphics in a game like this Goldeneye 64


Poor graphics would not alow me to see the full extent of the detail caused for example by my detail reflecting off a wall or shooting some one's leg off , if i'm going to have 1:1 physics then in order to fully realise the benefits of 1:1 physics i'd need 1:1 graphics. You can't argue you need good physics in a game without arguing you need good graphics also.

Assuming the physics in gears of war was 1:1 the low textures ( in comparison to real life ) still wouldn't allow me to see the full detail of blowing some ones leg off with a shotgun or my bullets flying off a wall ( the sparks , the small mark made on the wall) . If the primary purpose of physics is realism then it makes sense that we need graphcis to facilitate this.

I think i've fully disproven you by now , anything other than accepting my argument would show how biased you are towards the Wii .

If graphics don't matter why even bother buying a Wii ? why play 2D flash games all day and save yourself the expense.

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sc94597 said:
@Everybody saying it makes the atmosphere of the game better. After a while do you care anymore? It seems to me that my eyes adjust to a game with bad graphics and the atmosphere would be the same with a game with good graphics. As long as it doesn't affect gameplay. Nobody answered my question yet. Does your favorite game have bad graphics?
This thread has become pointless, sc94597, what is the point in asking a question if you refuse to take anyone elses answer seriously? You have literally shot down, and objected to everyone who has said graphics are important. You need to grow up, and become more open-minded, just because your favorite console is not HD doesnt mean graphics aren't important.

End of thread.


@Million I have both hd consoles and a gaming pc, so I'm not trying to convince myself anything. This thread started as a question. I stated my opinion on the matter, and then everybody else attacked my opinion. When graphics don't affect gameplay I don't see why it's important. When they do then it's very important. Your point only works if a game is trying to be real. Here is an example of a game with good physics, but bad graphics.

Also neither physics or graphics can be 1:1 with todays technology. The only thing you need for physics is the polygons. Textures don't matter, shaders don't matter, and lighitng doesn't matter. Anyway this is an example of graphics affecting gameplay.

for me the graphics dont need to look like real life,but i also dont want to be playing with a blockhead

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Oh hi username2324 I haven't seen you in a long time.

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sc94597 said:
@Million I have both hd consoles and a gaming pc, so I'm not trying to convince myself anything. This thread started as a question. I stated my opinion on the matter, and then everybody else attacked my opinion. When graphics don't affect gameplay I don't see why it's important. When they do then it's very important. Your point only works if a game is trying to be real. Here is an example of a game with good physics, but bad graphics.

Also neither physics or graphics can be 1:1 with todays technology. The only thing you need for physics is the polygons. Textures don't matter, shaders don't matter, and lighitng doesn't matter. Anyway this is an example of graphics affecting gameplay.

So how well would bloomblox play on the SNES ?

Million said:
sc94597 said:
@Million I have both hd consoles and a gaming pc, so I'm not trying to convince myself anything. This thread started as a question. I stated my opinion on the matter, and then everybody else attacked my opinion. When graphics don't affect gameplay I don't see why it's important. When they do then it's very important. Your point only works if a game is trying to be real. Here is an example of a game with good physics, but bad graphics.

Also neither physics or graphics can be 1:1 with todays technology. The only thing you need for physics is the polygons. Textures don't matter, shaders don't matter, and lighitng doesn't matter. Anyway this is an example of graphics affecting gameplay.

So how well would bloomblox play on the SNES ?

 I already said that if you change a 3d game to 2d it would change the gameplay. I also said the only time I see graphics to be iportant is when it affects the gameplay. Of course if you degrade the graphics of a game the game won't be as good, but ithere is no need to have better graphics in a game that is perfectly fine without them. 

sc94597 said:
Million said:
sc94597 said:
@Million I have both hd consoles and a gaming pc, so I'm not trying to convince myself anything. This thread started as a question. I stated my opinion on the matter, and then everybody else attacked my opinion. When graphics don't affect gameplay I don't see why it's important. When they do then it's very important. Your point only works if a game is trying to be real. Here is an example of a game with good physics, but bad graphics.

Also neither physics or graphics can be 1:1 with todays technology. The only thing you need for physics is the polygons. Textures don't matter, shaders don't matter, and lighitng doesn't matter. Anyway this is an example of graphics affecting gameplay.

So how well would bloomblox play on the SNES ?

I already said that if you change a 3d game to 2d it would change the gameplay. I also said the only time I see graphics to be iportant is when it affects the gameplay. Of course if you degrade the graphics of a game the game won't be as good, but ithere is no need to have better graphics in a game that is perfectly fine without them.

 lol seems you have everything covered ,I give up sc9 I can't win , the only reason graphics aren't important to you is because your into games like bloombox . Now if you were a COD4 ,  Gears Of War ,  MGS4 type gamer then I don't think you would have started this thread but then the Wii isn't even capable of playing those games.


sc94597 said:
Oh hi username2324 I haven't seen you in a long time.

Thats all you got for me? You're not even going to try to put down what I said? Maybe because you see that I am right, and that you haven't been open-minded, and that you refuse to even acknowledge others opinions, you instead look at what their opinion is, and claim they are attacking yours by disagreeing.

In response to your Bloom Box, take a look at Super Stardust HD, looks a whole lot more fun than your kiddy game.
(Note that these videos are not even the full quality of the actual game)

Would that game be as good in 480p? Don't think so.


Million said:
sc94597 said:
Million said:
sc94597 said:
@Million I have both hd consoles and a gaming pc, so I'm not trying to convince myself anything. This thread started as a question. I stated my opinion on the matter, and then everybody else attacked my opinion. When graphics don't affect gameplay I don't see why it's important. When they do then it's very important. Your point only works if a game is trying to be real. Here is an example of a game with good physics, but bad graphics.

Also neither physics or graphics can be 1:1 with todays technology. The only thing you need for physics is the polygons. Textures don't matter, shaders don't matter, and lighitng doesn't matter. Anyway this is an example of graphics affecting gameplay.

So how well would bloomblox play on the SNES ?

I already said that if you change a 3d game to 2d it would change the gameplay. I also said the only time I see graphics to be iportant is when it affects the gameplay. Of course if you degrade the graphics of a game the game won't be as good, but ithere is no need to have better graphics in a game that is perfectly fine without them.

 lol seems you have everything covered ,I give up sc9 I can't win , the only reason graphics aren't important to you is because your into games like bloombox . Now if you were a COD4 ,  Gears Of War ,  MGS4 type gamer then I don't think you would have started this thread but then the Wii isn't even capable of playing those games.


Actually I have CoD4 and Gears, and I plan on getting MGS4 after I beat MGS3. I like all kind of games if they are good. The only reason why I think graphics should advance because I'm interested in how the hardware is used, and the methods used for graphics production. Anyway it seems we are two people with different opinions so I guess we could stop.


@ username I already said a long time ago that I won't respond to you anymore because of our history. 


Edit: Is there something I was suppose to see in those videos that show good physics?