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Forums - Gaming Discussion - X-Play's Top 8 Games of 08 (So Far)

BTW I wasn't sticking up for x-play they piss me off as well, but I was relaying why they did not like burnout. high fiving eachother at my expense is silly.

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kingofwale said:
I watched the review for Okami for Wii. they talked about the control make you "redraw it a few times for the system to register" as well as its lack of new content even though the games is old.

but still scored on top 6. Unbelievable

clearly NG2 and MK are not good enough? Where's Burnout_Paradise??? Give me a break!

When they reviewed MK they trashed the "rubberbanding" and the fact that it included 16 classic tracks (laughed that Bowser Castle 3 was included). They gave it 4/5, and all the ones on the show were 5/5.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709
Wiitard448 said:
I agree with the list except GOW and Brawl should switch spots.

I don't know if the order really meant anything, but I agree with the switch.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709
radioioRobert said:
kingofwale said:
I watched the review for Okami for Wii. they talked about the control make you "redraw it a few times for the system to register" as well as its lack of new content even though the games is old.

but still scored on top 6. Unbelievable

clearly NG2 and MK are not good enough? Where's Burnout_Paradise??? Give me a break!

When they reviewed MK they trashed the "rubberbanding" and the fact that it included 16 classic tracks (laughed that Bowser Castle 3 was included). They gave it 4/5, and all the ones on the show were 5/5.

 Still, it's better than a game that was released on a console LAST gen and is arguable better last gen.

I could probably name 10 games that deserve to be on there other than Okami.

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I totally agree, the biggest PS3 game to date comes out today and special MGS4 episode, thats bullshit.  It's strange how that they would have top games of 08 so far as an episode on the same day that MGS4 lanuches which is the biggest game out until this hoilday season. Im thinking they are trying to down play MGS4 by not having an episode on it.  

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it should be no special MGS4 episode, sorry

I know Sessler was pretty angry at the press restrictions Konami had in place, might be the reason for the lack of a special episode. They had a special GTA4 gameplay and cheats episode on this week, seems like they COULD be snubbing MGS4, but the might give it love next week.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709

Its saddening that Lost Odyssey isn't there.

Don't know about NG2, I haven't played it.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

super smash bros brawl should be number 1

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Well. That was the exact opposite of what i expected. They usually seem to rag on the Wii like no tommorrow. At least when i watched. Expected a lot of 360 non FPS.

I expected Brawl and nothing else wii wise.

No More Heroes over Brawl no less.