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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Final Fantasy IV DS Preview on Gametrailers - Much More Than a Port

Call me crazier, but this is the game I'm most hyped for this gen. This only added to it! My favourite all time game is looking even better.

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pearljammer said:
Call me crazier, but this is the game I'm most hyped for this gen. This only added to it! My favourite all time game is looking even better.


Uhmz like stated before I will get it but I really would love to know what the added content will be :).

Wow this game looks awesome this is a must have for me it will be my first final fantasy game I will own.I don't know why I never notice to awesoness of the final fantasy series I guess it is because I didn't like FFXII(I never own it but I played over my friends house).I will get this a twewy on chrismas this makes me happy of being a ds owner :)

Talking about FFVI..How awesome would it be that SE announces at E3 that FFV and FFVI will have a remake for the Wii?

darthdevidem01 said:

well everytime I think like that I get disappointed by the wii (except for SMG)

But if anyone can push the wii its S-E...

 Well like you said square enix knows how to push a system. 

@konnichiwa I would be so happy. Then they announce a chrono trigger remake for anything and I will be even happier. 

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When they announced it, my mind was already set on buying it. :)

Looks awesome!

This will be my first pickup during my 3 week vacation in the USA! And lets hope S-E remakes V/VI, Chrono Triggers, Illusion of Gaia, and Terranigma for the DS / Wii.. (Right like that will happend)

konnichiwa said:
Talking about FFVI..How awesome would it be that SE announces at E3 that FFV and FFVI will have a remake for the Wii?

I don't care that much about V, but I would love a VI remake on any platform.  The main reason VI needs a remake is there's never been a "perfect" version of FFVI.  The SNES version had a bunch of translation issues, and the GBA version had lower quality audio.  We need one with both the perfect translation and audio.

Final Fantasy IV was my first Final Fantasy - it has a lot of nostalgic value for me. The first really big trailer, with Kain attacking Golbez, nearly made me have an aneurysm.

Definite day one purchase.

I have to wonder, though, whether or not the next few remakes might be on the Wii rather than the DS. I'll be buying them either way - I just wonder how S-E is going to try to pull this off.

Here is what ign said about it.