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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Official May NPD Thread (Data released 6/12 at ~6:30 PM EST)

I believe that the Ps3 being equal with the 360 in NA and not particularly dominate in other areas to be a victory for the 360. Considering the way the Ps1 and Ps2 sold, this has to be mildly disappointing for Sony.

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Jackson50 said:
I believe that the Ps3 being equal with the 360 in NA and not particularly dominate in other areas to be a victory for the 360. Considering the way the Ps1 and Ps2 sold, this has to be mildly disappointing for Sony.

You keep thinking that.

1. 360 had a full year head start

2. Sure Sony may not be ontop here but the Ps1 Ps2 type domination is still going strong with the wii,

"The continued success of GTA IV is not translating into big hardware sales for either the PS3 or the 360 but there may yet to be a lift in June due to gift-giving for Father's Day and Graduations," said NPD analyst Anita Frazier.


Isn't she the one that claimed the GTAIV bump would take place in May and now she's rolling it over to June?    I can say with some confidence that she has a serious lack of understanding the US video game market.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Hello all.

Article up.

Also, the Gamedaily article says PS2 hit 124k in April, but was not listed in May. Brightman speculates that since it wasn't listed PS2 April>PS2 May. My hunch is PS2 is under 100k this month. Might get a price drop at E3...

Not sure why people are disappointed with Wii Fit, Pachter had speculated it would only do 500k in the USA, it did  nearly 700k. It should sell well for ages. Wii Play is the comparable.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

CrazzyMan said:
I wonder what will be NEXT months gifs, when PS3 will sell over 500k thnx to MGS4. =))
235k just with GTA4. =)
i Believe Snake and 80GB bundle can push another 300k. =]

You live in a fantasy world inhabited by the characters from that cartoon shark movie starring Will Smith, don't you?

You ARE this panda Crazzy. You're him. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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It may have had a head start, but their sales have been consistenly equal with the 360 in America the past so many months. Also, the PS3 has been barely beating the 360 in other areas, with the sole exception of Japan. With the way the PS2 demolished the Dreamcast after its full year head start and the way Sony dominated the 5th and 6th generation, the PS3's sales have to be mildy best. And I am not comparing them solely to MS, but also Nintendo.

Jackson50 said:
It may have had a head start, but their sales have been consistenly equal with the 360 in America the past so many months. Also, the PS3 has been barely beating the 360 in other areas, with the sole exception of Japan. With the way the PS2 demolished the Dreamcast after its full year head start and the way Sony dominated the 5th and 6th generation, the PS3's sales have to be mildy best. And I am not comparing them solely to MS, but also Nintendo.

Lol.... where do you get your numbers from? Ps3 already passed 360 in Japan its 2nd week on the market and Ps3 has already outsold the 360 in Europe with 360 having a year and 4 month head start there... the 360 stronghold is NA and its losing it. thats all. the end. GG

People stealing GIFs from GAF on VGChartz? Never thought I'd see it...

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles fan for life. <3

GTA4 didn't move much hardware in NA.
Based on VGChartz numbers it moved around 200-300k PS3 in Others though. Hard to tell the exact the numbers as there was a small GT5P effect too but if you check the average weekly PS3 numbers in Others for the last 4 weeks compared to what they were 1-2 months ago, there is a noticeable difference...

The difference between Others and NA ?
360 hasn't sold as well in Others as in NA so there was still a pool of hardcore gamers that had not bought a HD console. That and GTA4 was bundled in Others....

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Griffin said:
HappySqurriel said:
Ail said:
WiiFit doing good but it's not the announced fourth Age that some predicted and the longer Nintendo takes to fix their supply issue the more likely some casual buyers will loose interest in buying it...

That and it's going to be a while before there is a sufficent installed base of the board to support other products....

Isn't that what people said about the Wii 14 months ago?

The wii is in stock at just about every store WW, so anyone who wants a wii can buy one, there is no massive stock shortage like ther was before. By the end of July the wii will have decent stock across all stores WW, this will allow Nintendo to bump Production to 2.4mil for the start of August and have enough wii's WW for the Christmas rush.

Fry, america is a part of the world.