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Forums - Sony Discussion - Life after MGS4...

What ****ONE**** (do not make a list of every upcoming PS3 game) title are you all most anticipating (on playstation3, exclusive or not) now that MGS4's launch has finally past?

The only PS3 game that I'd be as hyped up to play as MGS4 would be FFXIII.


Reminder: ONE game.

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In all seriousness, Resistance 2 is my pick

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

This year, Little Big Planet and Resistance 2.

LBP on Nintendo: Ahh kiddy game with cute graphics, Nintendo doesnt have teh hardcore gamez!

LBP on Sony: Oh, so innovative, best idea ever, game of the year...


I really don't see the appeal with LBP to be honest. Which would seem odd as i'm a Wii owner first.

But Resistance 2 is the one I am looking forward to the most. Then obviously KZ2 in February.

I am more hyped for LittleBigPlanet and Valkyria Chronicles then MGS4, so that would be my answer. The other two would be GT5 and FFXIII. 

Edit: One game, LittleBigPlanet 

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The only one ever was and still is FF13.

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Same one as before MGS4 was released, GT5.

I give this thread a 9.6. 

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

Little Big Planet and Resistance 2. I am interested in COD5 but have many doubts.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



What part of "ONE game" do you guys not understand?

It's easy to be stoked about every good looking game in the future, but i want to know what's the one game that you'd trade everything else in for.

I love how nobody seems to care how the OP said "ONE game" in both bolded and underlined text.