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Forums - General Discussion - Oil prices will double within a year.

Alby_da_Wolf said:
largedarryl said:
@alby, your metric fuel consumption confuses me. Fuel consumption in the metric system is measured in x L/100km. I'm assuming you mean you are getting somewhere between 4-6 l/100km (I don't feel like doing any math)?

Yes, I always preferred km/l because it lets me calculate easily the range (and it's easy to convert in mpg in forums with mixed american and non american audience).

Anyway, to make it clearer also the other way, I get from little more than 5 to little less than 9 l/100km, while little more than 4 l/100km is what Ford declares at a constant speed of 90 km/h (little more than 55mph), but I couldn't check this,italian roads are twisty and traffic is jerky, so either I must go slower, or, in highways, when I can I always go at max speed limit(130) + tolerance, ~135km/h, =~85mph, or, If the road is clear and I'm sure police can't be hidden nearby, 90-100mph (at this speed I get less than 9l/100km anyway)

 the speed limit on Italian highways is 130kmh? Wow. Here in the U.S. it's rare to see higher than 120kmh (~70mph) and most of the time its like 110kmh (65mph) Dude, I'm moving to Italy...

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

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Retrasado said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
largedarryl said:
@alby, your metric fuel consumption confuses me. Fuel consumption in the metric system is measured in x L/100km. I'm assuming you mean you are getting somewhere between 4-6 l/100km (I don't feel like doing any math)?

Yes, I always preferred km/l because it lets me calculate easily the range (and it's easy to convert in mpg in forums with mixed american and non american audience).

Anyway, to make it clearer also the other way, I get from little more than 5 to little less than 9 l/100km, while little more than 4 l/100km is what Ford declares at a constant speed of 90 km/h (little more than 55mph), but I couldn't check this,italian roads are twisty and traffic is jerky, so either I must go slower, or, in highways, when I can I always go at max speed limit(130) + tolerance, ~135km/h, =~85mph, or, If the road is clear and I'm sure police can't be hidden nearby, 90-100mph (at this speed I get less than 9l/100km anyway)

the speed limit on Italian highways is 130kmh? Wow. Here in the U.S. it's rare to see higher than 120kmh (~70mph) and most of the time its like 110kmh (65mph) Dude, I'm moving to Italy...

 Yes, but in stretches considered more dangerous and also with bad weather is 110km/h here too. In some parts, especially near junctions, often it's 80km/h, although the criteria to decide lower limits seem to vary wildly across the country, this increases the risk of getting a fine, despite the positive fact that highways are controlled only by state highway patrol, not also by greedy local polices like the other roads.   


Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

"You dont realize that oil will eventually run out, and the sooner we get onto a better and more importantly, cheaper renewable energy source, we can save the rest of our petroleum for our food and consumer goods. A trillion dollars is only 1/4 of our budget every year. Spread over 8 years and funded by multiple countries, it is easily doable."

No, I'm an IDIOT and wasn't aware Oil was a FINITE resource. Thanks for letting me know. Here I thought we could make oil out of oxygen and farts.

A thread this long about oil prices and an energy crunch and not one single mention of China or India.

*scratches head and wanders off*

Or check out my new webcomic:

rendo said:
"You dont realize that oil will eventually run out, and the sooner we get onto a better and more importantly, cheaper renewable energy source, we can save the rest of our petroleum for our food and consumer goods. A trillion dollars is only 1/4 of our budget every year. Spread over 8 years and funded by multiple countries, it is easily doable."

No, I'm an IDIOT and wasn't aware Oil was a FINITE resource. Thanks for letting me know. Here I thought we could make oil out of oxygen and farts.

No youre not an idiot, but you are aggressive. All I stated was that high oil prices will push for newer sources, and that I see that in order to replace oil anytime in our lifetime in any fast manner, a trillion dollars could provide a new answer. Thus you attack me and my country for no apparent reason. Oil will run out, and the faster we solve the problem the better off we will be.

Now I bet youre going to use some sarcastic, impudent comment to this too.

Brawl FC: 4382-1668-1880

Animal Crossing City Folk

FC: 2492-8227-9090           Town: McAwesom          Name: Gary

Add me and send me a PM with your FC!

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To be honest, do people consider how much it takes to get oil to your petrol/gas station?

They have to mine the damn thing, suck it out of the ground, lump it into containers, weed out the slack, ship it across the globe, then lump it down highways/motorways to the stations, and fill them up.

And petrol costs what, £1.20 a litre?

Maybe we were blessed when the prices were cheaper, and this is how it should be. Of course this is all made redundant by the fact that oil/petrol will be gone in 60 years

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Bursche said:
rendo said:
"You dont realize that oil will eventually run out, and the sooner we get onto a better and more importantly, cheaper renewable energy source, we can save the rest of our petroleum for our food and consumer goods. A trillion dollars is only 1/4 of our budget every year. Spread over 8 years and funded by multiple countries, it is easily doable."

No, I'm an IDIOT and wasn't aware Oil was a FINITE resource. Thanks for letting me know. Here I thought we could make oil out of oxygen and farts.

No youre not an idiot, but you are aggressive. All I stated was that high oil prices will push for newer sources, and that I see that in order to replace oil anytime in our lifetime in any fast manner, a trillion dollars could provide a new answer. Thus you attack me and my country for no apparent reason. Oil will run out, and the faster we solve the problem the better off we will be.

Now I bet youre going to use some sarcastic, impudent comment to this too.

I could, but that's not how I roll, plus it'd feed that little complex of yours.

Changes from Oil based energy to renewable and relatively clean energies won't happen for a long time.  The entire world is ran by idiots who only think about now, and a few years from now, not decades from now.  That's what happens when we elect people who live in the here and now and not forward thinkers.




Retrasado said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
largedarryl said:
@alby, your metric fuel consumption confuses me. Fuel consumption in the metric system is measured in x L/100km. I'm assuming you mean you are getting somewhere between 4-6 l/100km (I don't feel like doing any math)?

Yes, I always preferred km/l because it lets me calculate easily the range (and it's easy to convert in mpg in forums with mixed american and non american audience).

Anyway, to make it clearer also the other way, I get from little more than 5 to little less than 9 l/100km, while little more than 4 l/100km is what Ford declares at a constant speed of 90 km/h (little more than 55mph), but I couldn't check this,italian roads are twisty and traffic is jerky, so either I must go slower, or, in highways, when I can I always go at max speed limit(130) + tolerance, ~135km/h, =~85mph, or, If the road is clear and I'm sure police can't be hidden nearby, 90-100mph (at this speed I get less than 9l/100km anyway)

the speed limit on Italian highways is 130kmh? Wow. Here in the U.S. it's rare to see higher than 120kmh (~70mph) and most of the time its like 110kmh (65mph) Dude, I'm moving to Italy...

 Well we in germany have no "speed limit" everywhere, only there where it is dangourus. So you can drive what you car can drive ;)

I hate England.
I hope that the whole goverment die. or not.
But seriously, the country will turn against itself.
Oil prices where I am are £1.20 per litre or $2.40 USD, there nearly the same as a US Gal.


Justice is always Right... Oh wait... that was Wright...

ItalianBoyPhil said:
I hate England.
I hope that the whole goverment die. or not.
But seriously, the country will turn against itself.
Oil prices where I am are £1.20 per litre or $2.40 USD, there nearly the same as a US Gal.

 Oil prices in Saudi Arabia are at 10 cents per Litre. Move to Saudi Arabia people. lol.