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Retrasado said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
largedarryl said:
@alby, your metric fuel consumption confuses me. Fuel consumption in the metric system is measured in x L/100km. I'm assuming you mean you are getting somewhere between 4-6 l/100km (I don't feel like doing any math)?

Yes, I always preferred km/l because it lets me calculate easily the range (and it's easy to convert in mpg in forums with mixed american and non american audience).

Anyway, to make it clearer also the other way, I get from little more than 5 to little less than 9 l/100km, while little more than 4 l/100km is what Ford declares at a constant speed of 90 km/h (little more than 55mph), but I couldn't check this,italian roads are twisty and traffic is jerky, so either I must go slower, or, in highways, when I can I always go at max speed limit(130) + tolerance, ~135km/h, =~85mph, or, If the road is clear and I'm sure police can't be hidden nearby, 90-100mph (at this speed I get less than 9l/100km anyway)

the speed limit on Italian highways is 130kmh? Wow. Here in the U.S. it's rare to see higher than 120kmh (~70mph) and most of the time its like 110kmh (65mph) Dude, I'm moving to Italy...

 Well we in germany have no "speed limit" everywhere, only there where it is dangourus. So you can drive what you car can drive ;)