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rendo said:
"You dont realize that oil will eventually run out, and the sooner we get onto a better and more importantly, cheaper renewable energy source, we can save the rest of our petroleum for our food and consumer goods. A trillion dollars is only 1/4 of our budget every year. Spread over 8 years and funded by multiple countries, it is easily doable."

No, I'm an IDIOT and wasn't aware Oil was a FINITE resource. Thanks for letting me know. Here I thought we could make oil out of oxygen and farts.

No youre not an idiot, but you are aggressive. All I stated was that high oil prices will push for newer sources, and that I see that in order to replace oil anytime in our lifetime in any fast manner, a trillion dollars could provide a new answer. Thus you attack me and my country for no apparent reason. Oil will run out, and the faster we solve the problem the better off we will be.

Now I bet youre going to use some sarcastic, impudent comment to this too.

Brawl FC: 4382-1668-1880

Animal Crossing City Folk

FC: 2492-8227-9090           Town: McAwesom          Name: Gary

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