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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 is the king of rpg's this gen,so why isnt it doing good in japan

the 360 clearly has the best rpg line-up,released and upcoming

but why isnt it doing good in japan

is it cause most of the japanese dont buy products not made by them(like with cars)

or maybe the name?the look?what do you think it is?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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- global appealing : it is not a japanese console

- MS marketing : they have always focused on big western title (Halo3) more than their RPG exclusive (E Sonata, blue Dragon). It is possible nobody knows that so many RPG are coming on the Xbox360 and not on the PS3.

Time to Work !

There are a multitude of reasons the Xbox 360 isn't doing well in Japan. Though the specifics vary, they all come back to the Japanese simply not liking the Microsoft Xbox brand.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

- global appealing : it is not a japanese console

- MS marketing : they have always focused on big western title (Halo3) more than their RPG exclusive (E Sonata, blue Dragon). It is possible nobody knows that so many RPG are coming on the Xbox360 and not on the PS3.

- Japanese market is weird : it has completely shifted on portable and Wii. Japanese dont care any more about the PS360 saloon console

Time to Work !

The DS is the king of rpg´s this generation not Xbox360.

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yeah when there is a bigger king (ds) and a bigger prince (psp), with the 360's only jap appeal being rpg they just don't have enough of them.


Firstly there is more to the Japanese market than RPGs, it is not a market of homogeneous buyers, they often like a wide variety of products and genres.

Secondly, the main reason for the 360s lack of success is that it had no momentum due to the original Xbox. It's really quite amazing that the 360 has sold so much more than the original given the conditions of its launch.

Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall 

Correction: PC is the king of RPGs, followed by the DS. Xbox 360 is in third place.

Because the Japanese would rather be playing those games on other consoles. Only one of the RPGs released so far for the 360 really appeals to the Japanese anyways. Microsoft is completely confusing the market by paying these developers and publishers to put their games on a console so unpopular.



shio said:
Correction: PC is the king of RPGs, followed by the DS. Xbox 360 is in third place.

We're mostly talking about RPGs made in Japan.