Ign realease this photo of the Halo 3 packaging recently which reveals that Microsofts 'flagship' game, Halo 3, has content that exceeds the 9GB DVD format of their console.
even though this means that we'll be gettign our moneys worth for that $60+, microsoft may have to re-explain their possition on NOT need a larger storage media like Blu-Ray to ensure the release of their future games.
rockstar has also mentioned difficulty while trying to compress their upcomming game, GTAIV, on to ONE 9GB DVD.
It appears that microsoft spoke too soon that game developers have no need for a 25+ GB storage media.
I think MS owes the developers and us, the consummers, an explaination as to what thier possition is now.
Your thoughts?
PSN ID: cgnobody
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