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Forums - Sony Discussion - Prediction: PS3 to outsell 360 every month in USA starting today.

bold prediction that i would have laughed at in june. but i must admit that it was a very good one. the fact that this is the 360's best year and has been in last for the most of the year paints a very badly drawn picture.

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Magnific0 said:
Playstation 3 225k
Xbox 360 205k

Outsold - once - again

VGChartz : good job (as in Hancock)
Xbots and the rest of the blabbermouths: ("Sound of Silence" playing in the background) time to eat some crowd.

a very good prediciotn which i agreed and still agree with fully.


I really don't think gears2 will move units without some extreme marketting......

4 ≈ One

yes grats. As you say September might break the streak due to the rumored price drop. When do yu think that will reverse? Immediatly in october (expected) or maybe later in November. Or do you think that it won't break the streak.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

Magnific0 said:

Prediction: PS3 to outsell 360 every month from now in USA.

Before I get to see any data from the MGS4/ bundle launch I will predict this:

 The PS3 will outsell Xbox 360 each and every month in USA from now, until (probably) the 360 gets a price cut and/or (maybe) until Gears of War 2 debuts. The return of the best-selling 80GB SKU combined in the incredible-value bundle, plus MGS4 sales push (for whatever is worth) will shift the PS3 to 3rd gear in USA and will carry the momentum to late fall and the holiday season when PS3 will get a little extra push (for whatever is worth, too) from other expected AAA titles (both first and third party). The growing HD adoption by fall will definitely help it even more and I seriously doubt Microsoft has anything to counter that -except- for a price cut. Gears of War 2 should be able to help the 360 break the streak, but I still have my doubts that title alone would be enough to do it (sans price cut) since it'll be facing fierce competetion next X-mas holiday season in the states.  If the PS3 is outsold for one single month without any of the above two conditions being met in USA, then my prediction will have failed. Notice I'm not saying or predicting PS3 will beat 360 sales every week. No. I'm talking monthly sales in USA.

 Agree, disagree? There's nothing to agree or disagree upon here, it's just a prediction. Comments are welcome of course, you may "think" differently and I respect that. Just don't think any explanation you have is more logical or reasonable, 'cause in the end all is speculation. So, I did this for the fun of it, don't take it too seriously and let's see what happens. This is how I see it, I already gave my reasons and I won't even defend my statement. It just is. I only ask not to turn this into a shitstorm, lol.

Its a prediction that has no basis in fact.  MS has a price cut coming in September and a strong line up coming this Christmas if they can stay even the rest of the year they will be doing well


PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

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1. It looks highly likely that the PERMANENT price drop is coming for the 360 in September. If you surf the video game websites, you would have seen very strong evidence that it's going to happen. The 20 GB price drop was only a clearance sale. In September the 60 GB will be $299. That's a prediction that actually has strong evidence to back it up.

2. I'm sick of the argument that "everyone who wants a 360 has one already". I immediately discard anyone's opinion that includes that statement or anything like it. Not all of the video game market is hard core dorks like us. A GREAT deal of it is kids who are begging their parents for consoles. When do you think those consoles get bought? And how likely is a parent to buy their kid a $399 PS3 over a $299 Xbox 360, even if the kid is ASKING for a PS3? You can say what you want about the economy. In the real world, the world where the grownups have to pay for gas, taxes, food, all of which are rising, the economy is in trouble. That's the reality. And a $50 price drop on a big ticket item like the 360 is exactly what a holiday shopper wants to see.

3. I hate to burst your seemingly NPD filled bubble, but don't count your chickens before they hatch. The sales boost the PS3 is having is largely due to MGS4. People are still waiting for their bundles to be in stock, or maybe there's just a lingering effect from the game's release. Whatever the reason, it's not going to last forever. That's like me saying that the Xbox 360 will continue to outsell the PS3 for the next two months in Japan because that's the current trend.

4. The Xbox 360 sold 200,000 consoles in the month of July even though it's been out for a year longer. That's a strong month and is no indication that sales are waning. The only factor in waning sales right now is the time of year and the fact that Microsoft's price drops always seem to get broadcast to the world way too early.

I'm sorry, I'm sick of all this BS about the NPD numbers in July, and I really don't see why they matter that much anyway. The PS3 will probably overtake the 360 at some point, but the predictions about when are continually wrong and they just keep getting pushed back 6 months and then 6 more months. It's always either the summer or the holiday season of the next year. And then it doesn't happen. And then we have to go through all these ridiculous posts again and again. At the rate we're going now, the PS3 will probably have overtaken the 360 right when Microsoft is announcing a new machine that will likely blow the PS3 out of the water. (And don't start bringing up the Cell processor, because I will also immediately discard that opinion. Unless you can tell me something CONCRETE that the Cell is actually doing for gaming at the moment.)

The 360 is a viable machine. The PS3 is a viable machine. The Wii is a viable machine. They will all three continue to have games till the end of the generation. If you think that's not true, then you're living on another planet. And if you're a fanboy, what do you get out of someone else's console "losing" the sales war anyway?