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Forums - Sony Discussion - Metal Gear Solid 4: The never ending line


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Slimebeast said:

Yeah, uh...Rath, Slimebeast gave that way low figure only because he hates PS3.  Look at  the sales figure in his sig, it's delusional.

While nothing's been confirmed (except that GTAIV review scores were fixed somehow, as we all recognize, lol), MGS4 will do plenty well. 

People need to make their sarcasm more obvious =$

*Hides face in shame*

I GOT MINE ALREADY. Good thing i dont live in NY but it would be nice to have gotten an autograph. I went to a GAME STOP and there was about 50-70 people there. I was kinda early so i might have been around the 15th person in line but your story is waay better than mine.


currently playing:

Well, actually the sarcasm was about the anecdotal evidence of the OP, not his "1.3 mil WW ATLEAST" number per se.


As I said, 1.3 mill was the OP's number. My predictions for MGS4 1st week are posted elsewhere, but they are in the 1.8-2 mill ballpark.

Btw, you Sir is the hater, not me.

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100 minutes in: the line hasn't moved for awhile, I hear ppl chanting and shouting in front of me, things r getting kinda crazy. Like 20 ppl just chanted " Kojima!!" At first I got sad cuz I thought they had said "don't leave us" but they didn't.... Hopefully I get mine, although its not looking good Edit: Oh man, Kojima is the man. News just trickled on to us that he will stay AND SIGN EVERYBODY ON LINE. Mind u, its 2 am, and *looks back* I'll say that there is like more than 150 ppl behind me and not to mention that he has plans for tomorrow (also in NYC). Kojima is a very generous man

this is pure madness, seriously, i'm dying to see some pics.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

Why couldn't my store be doing a midnight launch. The line the night before is just so exciting. :'(

Only 8 more hours!

SnakeEyez said:
100 minutes in: the line hasn't moved for awhile, I hear ppl chanting and shouting in front of me, things r getting kinda crazy. Like 20 ppl just chanted " Kojima!!" At first I got sad cuz I thought they had said "don't leave us" but they didn't.... Hopefully I get mine, although its not looking good Edit: Oh man, Kojima is the man. News just trickled on to us that he will stay AND SIGN EVERYBODY ON LINE. Mind u, its 2 am, and *looks back* I'll say that there is like more than 150 ppl behind me and not to mention that he has plans for tomorrow (also in NYC). Kojima is a very generous man

 I'm so jealous. :'(

*sigh* apparently that whole signing everubody was false, damn, so I didn't get the autograph, but I got this cheap dogtag wit "6/12/08" on it