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Forums - Sony Discussion - Metal Gear Solid 4: The never ending line

I can feel your excitement.
I can't wait to get the game tomorrow.

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the suspense is killing me...must.know.more...

did you survive the queue?

(if you didn't survive, please don't post. it will creep me out.)

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Oh man,I really envy you :D

40 min after 12: still in the line, I've made progress although the line has stopped.
I'll entertain myself somehow.... Ooh ice cream truck

@Spankey: yes I'm still alive :P


What device r u browsing with standing in that line?

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Blackberry 8320: Curve


We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce

Slimebeast said:
AT LEAST 1.3 mill WW confirmed.

 How does a massive line in an entirely unique place (being that Kojima is there) confirm anything? Even as far as anecdotal evidence goes this is poor as a proof because it clearly isn't representitive in the slightest of anywhere else.

I mean I don't doubt this game will be succesful but saying that this confirms anything is just ignorant.


On Topic: Awesome getting Hideo's signature. The game devs never seem to visit NZ to give them out. XD

Rath said:
Slimebeast said:
AT LEAST 1.3 mill WW confirmed.

 How does a massive line in an entirely unique place (being that Kojima is there) confirm anything? Even as far as anecdotal evidence goes this is poor as a proof because it clearly isn't representitive in the slightest of anywhere else.

I mean I don't doubt this game will be succesful but saying that this confirms anything is just ignorant.


On Topic: Awesome getting Hideo's signature. The game devs never seem to visit NZ to give them out. XD

 Why do you think he was serious XD?

1:14 line started moving aaaand stopped... What's this? Ppl coming out of vans. They got energy drinks. Nothing like halo 3 themed, but still good none the less, "180 red with Goji" lol. I didn't get to see the blue one Edit: about the 1.3 mil, I am serious, - never said that its based on this. I had predicted 1.3 mil WW long before this, I was just restating my prediction. Damn, I know I'm new here but don't crucify me for stating my prediction.