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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - im thinking of downloading a wiiware game,which is the best?

Toki Tori if your into puzzling
LostWinds if you want an amazing game, but sadly pretty short
FFMLaaK: If you like sim games

But all of the above are very good, and certainly value for money.

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i've bought: Dr Mario, TokiTori, Family Table Tennis, Star Soldier R, Defend my Castle.

we liked Dr Mario a lot. not so much the traditional mode, but the Virus Buster. it's awesome when you play multiplayer. it's got a huge display, when we loved.

Star Soldier R is short. Family Table Tennis is even shorter.

TokiTori is excellent. i don't know about its lenght, but between zack and wiki and TokiTori, i like TokiTori a lot better. at 1/4 the price, i think TokiTori is far and away the better purchase.

defend my castle is... well, my wife isn't into it at all and single player seems kind of stupid. but apparently people like the multiplayer play.

the Wii is an epidemic.

brute said:
RolStoppable said:
I've only played Lost Winds so far, because I am out of Wii Points at the moment. It's good, but short. Most people will finish it in around 3 hours.

The general consensus is that Toki Tori is the best available game.

thats what ive heard about lost winds that its short,thats why i asked this question cause i would of gotten LW.

also toki tori that sounds familiar,was it released for gameboy i think?if i remember correctly that is cause i think i used to have it

 If u already have the gameboy version don't get toki tori cause i'm pretty sure it's the exact same game.  Lost Winds is like 3-4 hrs long, waste of money.  If u don't like rpgs forget FF, do u like puzzles?  Dr. Mario is pretty good.