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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Just got a Sega Saturn ^.^

noname2200 said:
Hawkeye said:
mike_intellivision said:

Is dragon force worth $55?

With the qualifier that I'm a total fanboy who's beaten the game at least three times with each ruler: yes. Yes it is. Although you could probably find it for cheaper if you wait for another auction: I ultimately got my copy for $30.

 I'd really like to get a real copy of this game. The box art looks sick and from what I understand you can play it 8 times with the dif rulers... you must love it if you've played it 25 times! I also love SRPGs, and this looks like a good one- 200 units battling at once is just sick. How long does one playthrough of the game take? 

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Guardian Heroes is worth whatever you pay for it. Seriously. Definitely the best "brawler" type game I've ever played, I'd make a case for best ever. It can keep you busy for YEARS as well. Not to mention the 6-player vs. mode of 40+ chars. And it's always fun.

Panzer Saga is pretty amazing. You could always buy it for $100 and sell it for $90 after you beat it. No big deal.

FIND DRAGON FORCE. I think it's the best console strategy RPG ever, easy.

What makes those three games special and valuable to a gamer is that there isn't really anything else to compare them to, exactly. That's why I love the Saturn so much.

I love SFI, II and CD, but SFIII (all three discs) I wasn't as into. It's still a great great series though. It's a REALLY cool game even if it's not perfect.

Christmas NiGHTS isn't worth tracking down for like $40. It's cool but I mean I got it for free originally :P it won't keep you busy too long. Get only if you're a huuuge NiGHTS fan, because it has lots of extras the Playstation 2 remake doesn't.

 Radiant Silvergun is REALLY fantastic, I think the best shooter ever made personally, but it's not worth $200 or whatever when you can play the (cruddier) arcade ver for free.

P.S. It's a crime how underrated Dark Savior is.

P.P.S. It pisses me off to no end how homogenized gaming is since 3-D and Sony took over :( I really miss the Saturn days. 

GhaleonUnlimited said:

Guardian Heroes is worth whatever you pay for it. Seriously. Definitely the best "brawler" type game I've ever played, I'd make a case for best ever. It can keep you busy for YEARS as well. Not to mention the 6-player vs. mode of 40+ chars. And it's always fun.

Panzer Saga is pretty amazing. You could always buy it for $100 and sell it for $90 after you beat it. No big deal.

FIND DRAGON FORCE. I think it's the best console strategy RPG ever, easy.

What makes those three games special and valuable to a gamer is that there isn't really anything else to compare them to, exactly. That's why I love the Saturn so much.

I love SFI, II and CD, but SFIII (all three discs) I wasn't as into. It's still a great great series though. It's a REALLY cool game even if it's not perfect.

Christmas NiGHTS isn't worth tracking down for like $40. It's cool but I mean I got it for free originally :P it won't keep you busy too long. Get only if you're a huuuge NiGHTS fan, because it has lots of extras the Playstation 2 remake doesn't

P.S. It's a crime how underrated Dark Savior is.

 Luckily my auction came with a couple of sweet games, paticaully NiGHTS and Legend of Oasis and Dark Savoir. I really like SRPGs. I like FFT and Fire Emblem series the best. How much is dragon force worth? And you don't think Shining Force 3 is worth tracking down? I can always play it later though I bet. When Sega Relases a "sega saturn collection" I bet NiGHTS and Sonic Jam and SF3 will all be on it... I doubt dragon force will be though, and besides it sounds like it'll be able to keep me busy all summer. Is Guardian Heroes great if I can only play it by myself/may be one other person?

I still have mine just to play Iron Storm. It was a turn based ww2 game. Its so awesome. Crazy how no game can give me the same enjoyment as that one

Hawkeye said:
noname2200 said:
Hawkeye said:
mike_intellivision said:

Is dragon force worth $55?

With the qualifier that I'm a total fanboy who's beaten the game at least three times with each ruler: yes. Yes it is. Although you could probably find it for cheaper if you wait for another auction: I ultimately got my copy for $30.

I'd really like to get a real copy of this game. The box art looks sick and from what I understand you can play it 8 times with the dif rulers... you must love it if you've played it 25 times! I also love SRPGs, and this looks like a good one- 200 units battling at once is just sick. How long does one playthrough of the game take?

 Oh, I've played it far more times than just that. It's almost an illness, to be honest...

The longest a game's ever taken me is about fifteen hours (with the Beast ruler, whose name escapes me and who's army is pathetic). The shortest was six hours (with Junon, who's awesomeness can not be described with mere words). Just a word of advice: Beastmen, Monks, and Archers are all completely worthless. And have a few generals with samurais, as that's the only troop type that can go head-to-head with dragons. I'll stop myself now, lest I bore you with a five-page essay on the game, but it's more fun than it has any right to be. 

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DigitalMe said:
I still have mine just to play Iron Storm. It was a turn based ww2 game. Its so awesome. Crazy how no game can give me the same enjoyment as that one

 I love SRPG/ strategy games (like advance wars) and iron storm is on my list. It goes for abour $17 so it should be worth it. I want shining force 3, Draogn force, and Blazing heroes. I think shining force is overpriced though :/

noname2200 said:
Hawkeye said:
noname2200 said:
Hawkeye said:
mike_intellivision said:

Is dragon force worth $55?

With the qualifier that I'm a total fanboy who's beaten the game at least three times with each ruler: yes. Yes it is. Although you could probably find it for cheaper if you wait for another auction: I ultimately got my copy for $30.

I'd really like to get a real copy of this game. The box art looks sick and from what I understand you can play it 8 times with the dif rulers... you must love it if you've played it 25 times! I also love SRPGs, and this looks like a good one- 200 units battling at once is just sick. How long does one playthrough of the game take?

Oh, I've played it far more times than just that. It's almost an illness, to be honest...

The longest a game's ever taken me is about fifteen hours (with the Beast ruler, whose name escapes me and who's army is pathetic). The shortest was six hours (with Junon, who's awesomeness can not be described with mere words). Just a word of advice: Beastmen, Monks, and Archers are all completely worthless. And have a few generals with samurais, as that's the only troop type that can go head-to-head with dragons. I'll stop myself now, lest I bore you with a five-page essay on the game, but it's more fun than it has any right to be.

Sounds like an 80 hour game. Should be worth $75 then since its 2-d (which I like) and an SRPG.

I know what you mean about almost an illness. I got that way with Fire Emblem (GBA) and FFTA (GBA) sunk 200-300 hours into those games... each. Almost got that way with fire emblem path of radience, but suddenly the game ended and the EXTREMELY lame ended killed any desier to replay. Fire Emblem sacred stones and raidiant dawn wern't as good... Radiant dawns story was precasroius to start, and soon spiraled outa control before crashing 2/3 through the game imo. 

Nights was such a great game....ahead of its time visuals for sure

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Here is my list of games I think look good/plan to buy BTW. Sonic R I might buy for sake of collection, I already have it for GC in Gems collection.
Virtua Racing ($1)
Black Fire ($1)
Heir of Zendor ($2)
Sega Rally ($3)
Fighting Vipers ($3)
Gex ($3)
Virtua Fighter ($3)
Croc: legend of the Gobos ($4)
Sonic 3-D Blast ($4)
Clockwork Knight ($5)
Wipeout ($5)
Scud: The Disposable Assasin ($6) (light gun)
Gun Griffon ($7)
Fighters Megamix ($7)
Skeleton Warriors ($7)
Pandemonium ($7)
Last Bronx ($7)
Blazing Dragons ($8)
Mass Destruction ($9)
Virtual on ($10)
Astal ($10)
Virtua Cop 2 ($10) (light gun)
Panzer Dragoon Zwei ($11)
Bug ($11)
Sonic R ($11)
Street Fighter 2 Alpha ($11)
Bug too ($12)
Galactic Attack ($13)
Area 51 ($14) (light gun)
3-D controller ($14)
Mega Man X4 ($14)
Blazing Heores ($14- SRPG!)
Lunacy ($16) (interactive DVD type game)
Iron Storm ($17)
Rayman ($20)
Light Gun ($20)
Mega Man 8 ($20)
Powerslave ($23)
Sonic Jam ($35)

Games that are good/extremely good but too pricey to be worth buying.
Three Dirty Dwarves ($21)
Mr. Bones ($22)
Clockwork Knight 2 ($25)
Shining the Holy Arc ($35)
Shining Wisdom ($38)
Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams ($45)- would be cool to get for $10
Dragon Force ($50) –looks sweet. Try to find for $35
Albert Odyssey ($55)
Shining Force 3 ($60) –amazing SRPG- try to find for $40!
Guardian Heroes ($120) -great
Panzer Dragoon Saga ($100-$350 depending when you look)-considered to be one of the best games of all time)
Radiant Silvergun ($210) –considered best top down shooter of all time.

Hawkeye said:
noname2200 said:
Hawkeye said:

noname2200 said:

Hawkeye said:

mike_intellivision said:



Sounds like an 80 hour game. Should be worth $75 then since its 2-d (which I like) and an SRPG.

I know what you mean about almost an illness. I got that way with Fire Emblem (GBA) and FFTA (GBA) sunk 200-300 hours into those games... each. Almost got that way with fire emblem path of radience, but suddenly the game ended and the EXTREMELY lame ended killed any desier to replay. Fire Emblem sacred stones and raidiant dawn wern't as good... Radiant dawns story was precasroius to start, and soon spiraled outa control before crashing 2/3 through the game imo.

 Ah, a fellow addict, eh? I think we'll get along quite well...And I understand what you mean about Tactics Advance. That game, and the original, have both had me play them for over two hundred hours each. A man should not be able to tell you all the abilities of each class in either game off the top of his head. But I can...