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noname2200 said:
Hawkeye said:
noname2200 said:
Hawkeye said:
mike_intellivision said:

Is dragon force worth $55?

With the qualifier that I'm a total fanboy who's beaten the game at least three times with each ruler: yes. Yes it is. Although you could probably find it for cheaper if you wait for another auction: I ultimately got my copy for $30.

I'd really like to get a real copy of this game. The box art looks sick and from what I understand you can play it 8 times with the dif rulers... you must love it if you've played it 25 times! I also love SRPGs, and this looks like a good one- 200 units battling at once is just sick. How long does one playthrough of the game take?

Oh, I've played it far more times than just that. It's almost an illness, to be honest...

The longest a game's ever taken me is about fifteen hours (with the Beast ruler, whose name escapes me and who's army is pathetic). The shortest was six hours (with Junon, who's awesomeness can not be described with mere words). Just a word of advice: Beastmen, Monks, and Archers are all completely worthless. And have a few generals with samurais, as that's the only troop type that can go head-to-head with dragons. I'll stop myself now, lest I bore you with a five-page essay on the game, but it's more fun than it has any right to be.

Sounds like an 80 hour game. Should be worth $75 then since its 2-d (which I like) and an SRPG.

I know what you mean about almost an illness. I got that way with Fire Emblem (GBA) and FFTA (GBA) sunk 200-300 hours into those games... each. Almost got that way with fire emblem path of radience, but suddenly the game ended and the EXTREMELY lame ended killed any desier to replay. Fire Emblem sacred stones and raidiant dawn wern't as good... Radiant dawns story was precasroius to start, and soon spiraled outa control before crashing 2/3 through the game imo.