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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumour: Ready at Dawn - Wii Exclusive Developer

I thought that "no HS sequel" was just news that Ninja Theory wasn't doing the sequel. Since Sony retains the rights i'm sure they could just pass it on to someone else. Which is probably why people thought Ready @ Dawn were doing it since they took over GoW and did so well.

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According to their facebook, they are NOT working on HS2. Still no clues as to what they're working on (except that it's also not Way of the Warrior or Okage)

Please, PLEASE do NOT feed the trolls.
fksumot tag: "Sheik had to become a man to be useful. Or less useful. Might depend if you're bi."

1) WiiFit will outsell the pokemans.
  Current Status: 2009.01.10 70k till PKMN Yellow (Passed: Emerald, Crystal, FR/LG)

DMeisterJ said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
DMeisterJ said:

Also, Daxter for PSP.

They have an awesome track record, of making other peoples game's really good. But we think that most likely, they will be making Heavenly Sword 2 for the PS3, but I don't know how true or not that statement is, so it could be wrong.

I read somewhere that Heavenly Sword was absolutely not getting a sequel...

I would think that also, seeing as the game was horrible, but it sold (and is still selling), so I don't knowo why they'd abandon 1 million or so poeple who bought the game, and when the major gripe about the game (length and variety) could easily be rectified.

But who knows, maybe it's not getting a sequel.



heavenly sword was a very good game,,,don't comment on games you haven't played,,,the only short coming was the 7 hours long campagin.


the following is from the OPM in the April's edition(they are insider info):

The "Inside Whispers" section of the Official PlayStation Magazine has provided the following rumors:

- Bite sized episodic gaming will hit the PlayStation Store “before the end of the year”
- Heavenly Sword 2 will take place 10 years after original and feature a male lead character
- In-game XMB functionality will be ready in time for summer
- Ready at Dawn devs are now working on a PS3 exclusive
- The bizarre Linger In Shadows, complete with flying dogs and deadly black smoke, will be a PSN download



all other insider info there seems to be turning reality .


I guess we have to wait and see,,,,they might be working on both wii and PS3. 






darthdevidem01 said:
wow....their great. I can't wait

Kid Icarus from them....any chancE?

 That would be good... then retro studios could work on something else, may be more Metroid?

Sick. The Wii is really coming into a lot of heavy 3rd party development lately.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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If they are Wii exclusive, this is really big news - but until I hear it from their mouths, I just don't believe it.

If Sony was still paying their bills, I'd expect them to still be working on the PSP - as they seem to know what they are doing.

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

SpartanFX said:
DMeisterJ said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
DMeisterJ said:

Also, Daxter for PSP.

They have an awesome track record, of making other peoples game's really good. But we think that most likely, they will be making Heavenly Sword 2 for the PS3, but I don't know how true or not that statement is, so it could be wrong.

I read somewhere that Heavenly Sword was absolutely not getting a sequel...

I would think that also, seeing as the game was horrible, but it sold (and is still selling), so I don't knowo why they'd abandon 1 million or so poeple who bought the game, and when the major gripe about the game (length and variety) could easily be rectified.

But who knows, maybe it's not getting a sequel.



heavenly sword was a very good game,,,don't comment on games you haven't played,,,the only short coming was the 7 hours long campagin.


the following is from the OPM in the April's edition(they are insider info):

The "Inside Whispers" section of the Official PlayStation Magazine has provided the following rumors:

- Bite sized episodic gaming will hit the PlayStation Store “before the end of the year”
- Heavenly Sword 2 will take place 10 years after original and feature a male lead character
- In-game XMB functionality will be ready in time for summer
- Ready at Dawn devs are now working on a PS3 exclusive
- The bizarre Linger In Shadows, complete with flying dogs and deadly black smoke, will be a PSN download



all other insider info there seems to be turning reality .


I guess we have to wait and see,,,,they might be working on both wii and PS3. 



I have played the game!  Only for an hour or two, but it was tirelessly repetitive even two hours in.  The person's PS3 I played it on was done in six hours and nine minutes, so I based my assumption off of 1/3 of the game.  Unless from the 2hour 1 minute mark it gets un-repetitive, it's a tirelessly repetitive game.

Maybe it's not horrible, but it's definitely average, at best.

Perhaps they meant that of the games they're working on as of now, they're only on the Wii. It's possible that they could make games for other platforms in the future. If they had said they'd stop working on the PS2 to make games exclusively on the PSP, would that mean that they'd never make Wii games?



skip said:

Readyatdawn have never said that they are going to be making more wii games. Below is the entirety of their statment onto which someone else added wii exclusive titles.


The end of an era…
June 9, 2008

With Chains of Olympus going Gold in Japan (やったー!!ビッチズ!), we’re now officially done with PSP development.

So today we sent all our devkits back and seeing all these boxes ready to be picked up definitely marks the end of an era here at Ready At Dawn.

Can’t wait to show you guys what we have in store…. 


Wow ,how strange ....TrollNando giving make up to the news to make the Wii look good .I would never have considered this possible(obvious sarcasm).

The thread title is BS

Here's an interview with Didier Malenfant (RAD Founder) that's dated Early April.

Around the 59:40 mark he states "We are currently working on two original IPs which are currently on both PS3 and 360".

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka