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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ready At Dawn Finished With PSP

I think it's likely to be PS3/360. Upon finishing Okami Wii, they made it clear that they aren't working on other Wii games at the moment.">">

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im kinda 90% sure its a wii game

Go Wii!

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles fan for life. <3

Maybe a Jak 4, or something.

Good, more support for the Wii! Great team.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

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They are not working on a Wii title:

When we asked if that meant it was safe to assume the team's working on something for either Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, we were told, "It's safe to assume we don't have a single Wii game currently in development since Okami. We haven't announced anything else."

There were rumors a while back that Sony signed them up for a full ps3 title, fulfilling their want to make a new IPs (rather than ports and chopped up ps2 titles). I think that may indeed be what has happened.


Edit: Actually, the Creative Director of Naughty Dog left the company and joined Ready at Dawn upon seeing whatever their new IP is.  RaD was originally formed by ex-ND guys, and I have a feeling their ties with both ND and Sony will stay strong. 

From PSP Fanboy:

Dan Arey, former Creative Director of Naughty Dog, has joined Ready at Dawn to work on the new project. Under Arey, Naughty Dog has worked on games such as Crash Bandicoot, Jak & Daxter, and the upcoming Uncharted. "It was actually a very easy decision to make," said Dan Arey, "because when I first got the chance to hear about this new property, I immediately knew I had to be a part of it and get a chance to join forces with the incredible talent over at Ready At Dawn Studios. These guys have taken the time to mature their team, their technology and this new concept. Believe me, this is going to be something special."

Well, RaD is good at making ports of games, we'll have yet to see what they can do with a new IP.

Are they really that good? Or are they only able to take an already great game, and continue the formula?

We shall find out soon. I hope they are actually good, I loved Daxter for PSP.

I think an exclusive PS3 game, because of the good relations with Sony and a Wii game fro Capcom, because of Okami.

Soriku said:

Actually, the quote on them not making Wii games is odd.

They say it's same to ASSUME they don't have a Wii game in the works. That doesn't mean they can't make one or don't have one already. Also, they say "since Okami". This could mean they had Wii projects in the works before Okami. Following the assume part, they just said they haven't announced anything yet. They could still announce something sometime (E3?).

The wording on the quote is really strange. If they didn't have a Wii project in the works I'd assume they would haev said "We currently haev no Wii projects at this time." but they say something completely different that could mean something else other than your interpretation.

I thought along the same lines - is it safe to assume rather than having a single wii game in the works - they could have 2?