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Soriku said:

Actually, the quote on them not making Wii games is odd.

They say it's same to ASSUME they don't have a Wii game in the works. That doesn't mean they can't make one or don't have one already. Also, they say "since Okami". This could mean they had Wii projects in the works before Okami. Following the assume part, they just said they haven't announced anything yet. They could still announce something sometime (E3?).

The wording on the quote is really strange. If they didn't have a Wii project in the works I'd assume they would haev said "We currently haev no Wii projects at this time." but they say something completely different that could mean something else other than your interpretation.

I thought along the same lines - is it safe to assume rather than having a single wii game in the works - they could have 2?