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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why are so many people requesting console price cuts?

Words Of Wisdom said:
wfz said:
So this would be a great opportunity for Microsoft to cut prices and really hit Sony hard, right? Since the 360 is an American console?

The dollar value is a reflection of the import/export relationship a country has relative to the outside world. Meaning that if the 360 were entirely US-made and distributed it, it would be unaffected by the flucutations within the US. However, not all the parts are made in the US and the console itself is likely not even assembled in the US (correct me if I'm wrong 360 owners) which means that all the dollars that flow from Microsoft to companies outside the US become weaker meaning Microsoft needs to shell out more (except in explicit existing contracts) for the same product.

The end result will be that Microsoft's manufacturing costs go up so a price cut becomes more unlikely. Of course, I expect Microsoft to have fixed price contracts with several of its partners which will negate this to an extent (shifting the loss to Microsoft's partners).

 Alright, I figured as much. Hardly anything is made completely in the USA nowadays it seems. =P

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vaio said:
I want a price cut because I want the PS3 for gaming and nothing else and since the extra features has little to no significance for me the current price tag for the PS 3 as a gaming console only is wayt o high. Most people can´t afford thoose prices without rearanging their economy.

here in the USA ps3 is the same price 360 was for 2 and a half years. so where do you live?

People are calling for price cuts because sales for the PS3 and 360 are poor.

If someone wants a PS3, they can most likely afford one. It's a problem of perception: $400 for the system doesn't seem to give you as much value as the Xbox 360 gives you, and the Wii simply has so many games that appeal to so many people now that lots of people want it.

Consider that more people buy expensive ($300-$400) IPODs than PS3s. A lot more. There's no question about the perception of Apple's value, because people find the Apple product very attractive and very functional. Never mind that it only plays sound, and that you can get an MP3 player for 1/4th the price.

Sony could get huge sales if the PS3 was perceived in a similar way. The problem is that there just isn't enough games and there aren't enough Blu Ray movies, and people don't see enough value from Blu Ray movies.

The easy fix, of course, is a price drop.  Some people ar e getting tired of seeing their console languish with poor sales.

wfz said:

Alright, I figured as much. Hardly anything is made completely in the USA nowadays it seems. =P

With specialized part manufacturers located all over the world, it's unlikely for anything relatively complex (especially electronics) to be made entirely anywhere.  Often parts will come from different countries to be assembled in another country only to be sold in yet another country.  Cars are the largest example of this.  Parts can come from Japan, Germany, and more only to get shipped to Mexico for assembly and then sold in the US.

Dno said:
vaio said:
I want a price cut because I want the PS3 for gaming and nothing else and since the extra features has little to no significance for me the current price tag for the PS 3 as a gaming console only is wayt o high. Most people can´t afford thoose prices without rearanging their economy.

here in the USA ps3 is the same price 360 was for 2 and a half years. so where do you live?


Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

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well alot of people will buy a console when its price is lower

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Words Of Wisdom said:
wfz said:

Alright, I figured as much. Hardly anything is made completely in the USA nowadays it seems. =P

With specialized part manufacturers located all over the world, it's unlikely for anything relatively complex (especially electronics) to be made entirely anywhere. Often parts will come from different countries to be assembled in another country only to be sold in yet another country. Cars are the largest example of this. Parts can come from Japan, Germany, and more only to get shipped to Mexico for assembly and then sold in the US.

Well that's a rather interesting tidbit I didn't know. Thanks WoW.  

Bodhesatva said:

Right, that's what needs to be made clear. Since the recession in the US started, the 500$ PS3 has:

1) Not become cheaper for US Citizens.
2) Become less profitable for foreign manufacturers to sell.

So there's two halves of the equation, and only the latter half has been affected. And I agree, profitability > install base.

You're assuming Sony pays foreign manufacturers in dollars, which might not be the case. Nintendo specifically said they lost a large amount of money (equivalent to $800 million if I remember correctly) due to the recent currency fluctuations.


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Pristine20 said:

I see all these posts requesting price drops. Do people realize that the US $ has fallen greatly. Thus consoles are actually a lot cheaper than they seem (at least in the US). This has cost international companies like the ones in gaming even more money. So they have actually gotten cheaper in the US while the EU foots the same bill.

A price cut right now to sell more hardware may not provide enough software boost to offset the monumental losses.

If you want a cheaper console, buy a wii or the 360 arcade and stop complaining! Any more price cuts and nintendo would be the only one left in the industry and that'll be the day I finally stop gaming. Discuss...


 QAnother one of you guys huh...




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