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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Game you would like to see remade and how you would like to see it?

Freespace 2 for the PC. I almost make a mess in m pants when I think of what flying past capital ships locked in battle while intercepting bombers would look like with today's tech. *drool*

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Bursche said:
Euphoria14 said:

Awesome suggestions guys. I agree with Bursche 100% as well, Earthbound would be great with a remake, that way we all buy it, SE notices and finally gives us Westerners the other Mother games we so long for.

Bursche when you say same turn based combat do you mean the same exact layout or would you prefer more of a Final Fantasy I-X style turn based?

SE didnt make the Mother Series O_O I believe it was by Hal and Nintendo.

 But the turnbased system in Earthbound makes it so you cant see your characters at all, only the enemy, your menu and a trippy background. This wouldnt change if it was remade, only made with much better graphics which would make it really trippy.

 I guarantee if  Earthbound was remade, stoners everywhere would be the Wii just to watch the battles for a buzz.

 Someone smack me now.

I can not believe I posted that SE made Earthbound...

Not only did I know it was made by Nintendo, but the fact Ness was in Smash since the N64 should have given it away, lol!!!

I feel as though I should disappear after a comment like that.

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I'm very original ;) I would like to see FFVII remade for ps3. FFVII Crisis Core was awesome and I think they should base FFVII on it. (But I would leave the turn based system untouched because I don't see how we could manage a whole party with the real time fights of CC. (and I want to control my party (not like KH style)) :)

The world is Square.

I would like a Battletoads or Streets of Rage remake. I have fond memories of playing those two games as a young child with friends and family.

I would like to see super smash bros remade for DS. I would like to see no touch screen support, and for there to e 2-5 new characters, and for the number of courses to double. Also flesh out single player, add a half assed adventure (45 minutes long no cutscenes) or at least all star mode.

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I would also like to see Panzer Dragoon Saga remade as a Wii exclusive RPG that uses the wii remote for dragon flying.

Other games I want remade:

Jet Force Gemini for 360
FF7 for PS3 (just to shut everyone up)
Mario Paint for Wii Ware
Duck Hunt for Wii Ware
Punch Out for Wii
Super Mario RPG for DS
Perfect Dark for 360 (no PDZ crap)

That is all.

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How about Tron Deadly Disks.
OK, this is an old Intellivision games and could not be called that.
But essentially it was the first game where you moved one way (using the control disk) and shot another (using the number pad).

For info --

This would work well on any controller with two analog sticks. So a Wii Ware port the classic controller, along with XBL and PSN remakes would be great.

Mike from Morgantown

PS @KingofWale -- CT and CC are two very different games.


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ill go against this and say two games i dont want to be remade because of how much i like them:


my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

i would like for them to remake super mario rpg:legend of the seven stars,for either wii or DS

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