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Forums - Sony Discussion - How much do you reckon Sony paid for MGS4 exclusivity?

.Geenie. said:
1. Sony didnt
2. n/a
3.Hell yes

And a good reason for this game not being on the x360 is that it would not be able to run it

This guy might be on to something...oh no wait...hes talking about the PS3 version of Alone in the Dark. My bad...

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WHat the fuck , Microsoft does this far more often than Sony does why don't we start a prediction league for how much MS pays for exclusives considering we've started a thread about how much Sony may have paid for one.


This thread is such a flamebait , why don't I start a thread about How many 360's have RROD'd ?or maybe How many things have the 360 got that other consoles had first ? .

Million said:

WHat the fuck , Microsoft does this far more often than Sony does why don't we start a prediction league for how much MS pays for exclusives considering we've started a thread about how much Sony may have paid for one.


This thread is such a flamebait , why don't I start a thread about How many 360's have RROD'd ?or maybe How many things have the 360 got that other consoles had first ? .

You're all over the place here.

Its a valid question. We all know howmcuh MS paid for GTA4 content. We don't know this... You need to relax.

There is nothing bad in paying for exclusives.

Sony wouldn't have to pay as much as you'd think,not with those bundles also selling the game.

So yeah...go to hell.=]

Alone in the dark. thats because the devs dont know how to program for the ps3 properly. insomniac dont seem to have a problem

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Maybe i'm getting too worked up , it's just that this is the first major exclusive the PS3 is getting and it apears like everyone wants to attack the PS3/MGS4/

@Million the xbots are just hating thats why. because this game isnt going to touch that console, i mean imagine playing MGS4 with like 20 disks lol and downgraded graphics lol

.Geenie. said:
Alone in the dark. thats because the devs dont know how to program for the ps3 properly. insomniac dont seem to have a problem

Neither does Epic for xbox360, whats your point?


I got the ps3 for this game only. Cant wait... So whatever sony paid for it, it was worth it :)

starcraft said:

Regardless of whether MGS4 turns out to be timed or fully exclusive to the PS3, it is quite clear that Sony offered either direct payment or incentives of a certain value to keep the title on their system only.

The sheer cost of developing the title and the PS3's relatively small userbase would have made substantial profit for Konami impossible to achieve without financial support from Sony.

I fully expect this entire thread to be speculation, but I am interested all the same.  My questions are:

- How much do you believe Sony paid for MGS4 exclusivity?

- What form do you believe these payments took?

- Will the hardware boost to the PS3 be worth it?

1. Only an executive at Sony or Konami can answer that or perhaps it has something to do with Kojima's request

2. Same as 1

3 Not necessarily but the software sales would benefit both companies especially Konami because many people would be buying MGS4 just because they want a BC PS3. I know because BC was the main reason I even bought a PS3.


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50 mill for the DLC ... oh no wait that’s Microsoft’s way of doing things, i think this exclusivity was decided long ago and sony by that time had a policy of not buying exclusives(if the game does fills a B-ray disk there really was no need to pay). But anyway you are suppose to be a famous xbot so the real purpose of this thread fails, since buying out things is Microsoft’s modus operandi ever since it was created.