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Forums - Sales Discussion - How much will the PS3 outsell the Xbox 360 by next week?

Kyros said:

oh come on. Titles like Lair and HEavenly Sword may have been hyped by PS fanboys but primarily Nintendo fanboys and 360 fans were making them into the last chance and turning point titles. Both failed (more or less) and still the PS3 is outselling the 360. And it will outsell the 360 heavily next week. MGS4 is big and it will change things a bit. But its no GTA, Gran Turismo or Final Fantasy. The true put-up or shut-up phase will start with Gran Turismo 5 and FFXIII.

Don't take this the wrong way, Kyros, but there were a LOT of Sony fans plugging these titles last year. (I know you weren't a part of this website then.) Motorstorm (the STORM is coming!), Lair, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted.... once these games arrived, the PS3 was going to rise up and crush its competitors. It was only after these games released and didn't do very much for sales that the story changed to "they were new IPs, no one expected much from them anyway." I do agree with you that Metal Gear Solid is the wrong game to be hyping, and that Gran Turismo and Final Fantasy are likely to do a lot more in terms of sales.

On topic, PS3 will probably be anywhere from 50-100k ahead of the 360 in sales next week. I don't see how sales could get higher than 250k for the week, but I've been surprised before. I expect sales to be right back to the current level a month from now, with PS3 selling slightly more than the 360 each week - something I don't expect to change much for the rest of the generation. The two consoles share 90% of the same games, so why would either one dramatically outsell the other? The whole competition for second place is pointless anyway. Neither platform is ever going to sell enough units to stop publishers from creating multiplatform 360/PS3 titles and create exclusives instead.

My Website

End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)

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@ Sullla

Lair, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted.... once these games arrived, the PS3 was going to rise up and crush its competitors

A nice and good list of diverse PS3 exclusives there. Each of those games provided me with a lot of fun when I played them, each of them were IMO impressive in their own right. I think you confuse personal game anticipation with general sales potential (also based on reviews, marketing, brand recognition and such).

But I have read many threads and the bulk of PS3 supporters actually dragged forward titles such MGS4, FF XIII and Gran Turismo 5 (and sometimes Killzone 2, due to being so impressive, some bring forward LBP and Home) as the major console sale pushers.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Sullla said:
Kyros said:

oh come on. Titles like Lair and HEavenly Sword may have been hyped by PS fanboys but primarily Nintendo fanboys and 360 fans were making them into the last chance and turning point titles. Both failed (more or less) and still the PS3 is outselling the 360. And it will outsell the 360 heavily next week. MGS4 is big and it will change things a bit. But its no GTA, Gran Turismo or Final Fantasy. The true put-up or shut-up phase will start with Gran Turismo 5 and FFXIII.

Don't take this the wrong way, Kyros, but there were a LOT of Sony fans plugging these titles last year. (I know you weren't a part of this website then.) Motorstorm (the STORM is coming!), Lair, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted.... once these games arrived, the PS3 was going to rise up and crush its competitors. It was only after these games released and didn't do very much for sales that the story changed to "they were new IPs, no one expected much from them anyway." I do agree with you that Metal Gear Solid is the wrong game to be hyping, and that Gran Turismo and Final Fantasy are likely to do a lot more in terms of sales.

On topic, PS3 will probably be anywhere from 50-100k ahead of the 360 in sales next week. I don't see how sales could get higher than 250k for the week, but I've been surprised before. I expect sales to be right back to the current level a month from now, with PS3 selling slightly more than the 360 each week - something I don't expect to change much for the rest of the generation. The two consoles share 90% of the same games, so why would either one dramatically outsell the other? The whole competition for second place is pointless anyway. Neither platform is ever going to sell enough units to stop publishers from creating multiplatform 360/PS3 titles and create exclusives instead.

who said that? crush the wii or the 360?

With those games, some multiplataform and the price drop the PS3 doubled its sales and its sellin better than the 360 worlwide every week

@ John_Doe

who said that? crush the wii or the 360?

With those games, some multiplataform and the price drop the PS3 doubled its sales and its sellin better than the 360 worlwide every week

I would like to know as well, I believe it must have been a very select group of indivuals. Games like Lair, Heavenly Sword and Uncharted were new franchices. Heavenly Sword and Uncharted are impressive million sellers. Lair was a dissapointment saleswise, but IMO far more interesting than most higher rated multi-platform games (thus I don't agree with many US reviewers, the game was well rated by Famitsu though).

R&C: TOD is a million seller as well, which is quite good considering it's nearly the only game convering this gerne on the PS3, until the release of games like LBG and Jak & Daxter.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

I haven't played lair and probably never will play it. Heavenly sword is a graphic marvellous but an average game. Ratchet and clank future is an excellent game with excellent graphics, long single player campaign and 60 frames. Uncharted is one of the best games ever. Is perfect in almost every aspect, graphics, sound, ost, animations, characters, etc, etc.

And about the present, have you seen gametrailers MGS4 review? Can't wait to put it into my PS3. Unfortunately here in spain we have to wait for a week due to the truckdriver strike :(

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starcraft said:

Towards the beginning of the year we saw Sony fans pointing to the 25-30k gap in weekly sales (PS3>360) to justify arguments that the PS3 would catch the 360 by as early as the end of this year in total sales. This claim increased in intensity for the brief period where the PS3 was outselling the Xbox 360 by 50-60k week-on-week.

Once Japan sales are in, we will see that the PS3 has only outsold the Xbox 360 by 10k this week worldwide.

Though the PS3 has had several titles touted as its big AAA title that was going to establish its domination, all these titles have since been decried as being minor exclusives due to their failure to bring about said domination.

With MGS4, all hopes of pretence disappear. It is a long-time Sony-assosciated high-profile title whos predeccessors have all sold over 5 million copies and were popular in all regions. It truly is put-up or shut-up time.

So I have three questions for you:

- How much will the PS3 outsell the Xbox 360 by WW next week?

- How much will the PS3 outsell the Xbox 360 by one month from next week? (Edit:  I mean for that one week)

- Will the PS3 sell more than the Wii next month?

I will post my answers shortly.


Quite simply put, those other "AAA" titles have done their job.  The ps3 has went from being "man-handled" at this time last year to selling, as you pointed out, more than the 360.  That happened because of all those titles cumulative effect.  No one title makes a's the building up of decent titles that causes people to break a threshhold and buy a console---usually one game isn't enough to make someone spend over $400.

For example, Lost Odyssey looks like a great JRPG...but I'm not going to buy a 360 just for one game.  But then, Eternal Sonata looked good...but once again, a $400 purchase will take more than a couple games.  But then, Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery, The Last Remnant, and Star Ocean 4....wowzers, now that warrants a purchase of a 360.  My threshold was broken.  So although Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata had no immediate effect for the 360 from me, they were CONTRIBUTING factors even 1 year later.  Understand?  Or too far above?

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

starcraft said:

So far the only three platformers of this gen have released to awesome, disappointing, decent and mediocre sales respectively for SMG, R&C, Viva Pinata and Kameo.  It shouldbe noted that R & C received some EU bundling, and Viva Pinata received a substantial amount of bundling worldwide.

Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts may be the final chance to see if non-Mario/Nintendo platformers can do well on home consoles without being bundled. 


Are you calling Viva Pinata a platformer?   It's hard to sound authoritative on topics you clearly know nothing about.  

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

MikeB said:
@ John_Doe

who said that? crush the wii or the 360?

With those games, some multiplataform and the price drop the PS3 doubled its sales and its sellin better than the 360 worlwide every week

I would like to know as well, I believe it must have been a very select group of indivuals. Games like Lair, Heavenly Sword and Uncharted were new franchices. Heavenly Sword and Uncharted are impressive million sellers. Lair was a dissapointment saleswise, but IMO far more interesting than most higher rated multi-platform games (thus I don't agree with many US reviewers, the game was well rated by Famitsu though).

R&C: TOD is a million seller as well, which is quite good considering it's nearly the only game convering this gerne on the PS3, until the release of games like LBG and Jak & Daxter.

Again, it may not have been either of you specifically, but there certainly were others saying these games would make a huge difference, and not just the parody fans. Try looking at this thread, picked at random from many possible candidates (April 2007):

Some selections:


cut the crap chief

i bought motorstorm yesterday from Futureshop ,Montreal.

people like always were looking more at the ps3 section rather than Wii.

i noticed 3 slim ps2s and 2 ps3s sold within an hour.

I myself bought the last copy of Motorstorm.

my futureshop had 40 ps3s yesterday  which is down to 6 today (Futureshop near Parc).

my Bestbuy yesterday had 0 ps3s.

x360 is already out of the system war.

It all comes down to ps3 vs Wii.

ps3 would ofcourse trail wii until the end of this year or at the beginning of 2008.


ps3 is selling well; soon with HS, LITTLE BIG PLANET, LAIR, AFRIKA, MGS4, FF... "HOME"......etc

it will sell better than wii or 360. it isn't very hard to it?


We know for a fact FF, MGS, GTA, Ratchet, DMC, Gran Turismo, etc. will not only sell millions but will also move systems. Not only that, but Sony has a ridiculous amount of room to move the price, which will also move systems. Now the question of whether they can move enough systems is a valid one, but Sony's got much better days ahead.

Nintendo's going to need more than just an improved start in the smallest territory over the first 5 months to really make up the ground they've lost over the past decade.


Wow this is a fun thread. The amount of sony bashing is as strong as ever i see. So it's time for list wars. From now until the end of the year the ps3 has the best line up of games coming out, the xbox360 is a close second with the wii way out in third. If you don't think thats going to effect sales then your in for a big supprise.

The ps3 has:

Ninja Gaiden Sigma


Heavenly Sword


New Eye Toy

The Eye Of Judgement


Little Big Planet

Metal Gear Solid 4

Gran Turismo Prologue

Ratchet And Clank

Playstation Home


Drakes Uncharted

Hotshots Golf 5

Anyway, I could go on. You get the point. There were dozens of posts like this... just as there had been posts claiming that PS3 sales would explode when Virtua Fighter came out, and when Motorstorm came out, and so on. Now for fun... here's an old post from our very own CrazzyMan!

Well, ps3 will rock in second part of 2007.

Like begining with :)

and well, any other console didn`t have so many good titles in _first_ year of console life.
PS3 in _first_ year will get in 2007:

(multiplatform - but still will be very good games)

Warhawk -- Folks soul

on PS2 all hits like MGS2, GT3, FFX, GTA3, DMC came only on _second_ year of console life.

Note that nearly all of these games have been released, and still the story remains the same...


My Website

End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)

Sullla, I think you just won the Internet.

Anyone who denies that many Sony fans were all over the 2007 lineup after the PS3 launch and were claiming 2007 dominance (much less 2008) are too far into Sony's RDF* to remember 2006 and 2007 correctly.

*Reality Distortion Field 

Or check out my new webcomic:

1) 150k
2) 50k
3) No

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !