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starcraft said:

Towards the beginning of the year we saw Sony fans pointing to the 25-30k gap in weekly sales (PS3>360) to justify arguments that the PS3 would catch the 360 by as early as the end of this year in total sales. This claim increased in intensity for the brief period where the PS3 was outselling the Xbox 360 by 50-60k week-on-week.

Once Japan sales are in, we will see that the PS3 has only outsold the Xbox 360 by 10k this week worldwide.

Though the PS3 has had several titles touted as its big AAA title that was going to establish its domination, all these titles have since been decried as being minor exclusives due to their failure to bring about said domination.

With MGS4, all hopes of pretence disappear. It is a long-time Sony-assosciated high-profile title whos predeccessors have all sold over 5 million copies and were popular in all regions. It truly is put-up or shut-up time.

So I have three questions for you:

- How much will the PS3 outsell the Xbox 360 by WW next week?

- How much will the PS3 outsell the Xbox 360 by one month from next week? (Edit:  I mean for that one week)

- Will the PS3 sell more than the Wii next month?

I will post my answers shortly.


Quite simply put, those other "AAA" titles have done their job.  The ps3 has went from being "man-handled" at this time last year to selling, as you pointed out, more than the 360.  That happened because of all those titles cumulative effect.  No one title makes a's the building up of decent titles that causes people to break a threshhold and buy a console---usually one game isn't enough to make someone spend over $400.

For example, Lost Odyssey looks like a great JRPG...but I'm not going to buy a 360 just for one game.  But then, Eternal Sonata looked good...but once again, a $400 purchase will take more than a couple games.  But then, Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery, The Last Remnant, and Star Ocean 4....wowzers, now that warrants a purchase of a 360.  My threshold was broken.  So although Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata had no immediate effect for the 360 from me, they were CONTRIBUTING factors even 1 year later.  Understand?  Or too far above?

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

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