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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The official "I am excited to be a X360 owner and enjoy RPGs" Thread

I'm excited for Star Ocean 4, it reminds me of Phantasy Star so i have high hopes for it!

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Of all 3 HD trailers I saw today, the one that most impressed me most was Star Ocean, then Infinite, then Last Remnant. The Last Remnant one was a bit long winded and didnt grab me as much as the others.

This the best RPG line up of a console this generation. Thanks Microsoft!!!!

I'm glad.

SO4 for the win!!

Lost Odyssey, alone, feed me this year with RPG love. Its a great game! Im looking forward to almost every title on that list, even the SRPG games.

Whats about that new, 360/PC, RPG Forget the name but starts with V...
Looks like Kameo meeting fable.

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Is there going to be a mass effect 2?

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Bagaren85 said:

Whats about that new, 360/PC, RPG Forget the name but starts with V...
Looks like Kameo meeting fable.



Has no specific date, but release in 2009.

Definitly looking forward to Star Ocean 4.

Everstar said:
Is there going to be a mass effect 2?

It's a trilogy. Don't know if they have even started on the second one yet. It has a chance of going multi platform cause of EA buying Bioware. I'm excited for Fallout 3 though. I'm gonna name my dog Mr. Tingles.  Can't forget about Fable either, I will probably buy it for my brother because he actually beat the first one and I watched.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

360 is getting alot of good rpg games

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"