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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So many JRPG fans on VGChartz?

DragonLord said:

Honestly, Persona 3 isn't going to do very well because who the hell wants to buy last gen games anymore? Even God of War II didn't do near as well as it should have on the ps2 because most people want games on a current console.

As far as the ps3, it doesn't have any JRPG's yet...unless you want to call that piece of shit Enchanted Arms a game. Disgaea 3 and Valkyrie Chronicles are JRPG's; HOWEVER, they are SRPG's (Strategy) which is NOT what most of the people clamoring for JRPG's want. And Disgaea 3 has worse graphics than some psp games from what I've seen of it.

And nobody really expects the 360 to sell many JRPG's because it has no install base in Japan and most 360 owners are hardcore shooter fans.


So at this point, the games are either on an outdated console - PS2.

There are none, like the PS3.

Or they're for the wrong userbase - 360.

That simple. I think we're going to be seeing a lot of old-school gamers (like myself) lose patience with Sony very soon and start to buy 360's.

That's unfortunate, because Persona 3 is one of my favorite games this gen, and imo, it's far superior to the highly touted Mass Effect, which was also good, but not great.

Also, I've already bought a 360. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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Riachu said:
noname2200 said:
Riachu said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Its a niche genre where MOSt Hardcore fans are present.....and Vg chartz being a gaming website will have hardcore gamers
Do Americans hate JRPGs? I don't think so but I just want to make sure


No hate, from what I can tell, just indifference. RPGs in general aren't anywhere near as huge outside of Japan as they are within. Although a lot of Western games incorporate RPG-esque qualities (stats and the like). And I don't think Western RPGs outsell their Japanese counterparts on a consistent basis in the West.

I could have sworn that Mass Effect got a vast majority of its sales in North America and Fable was the fastest selling Xbox game when it came out if I remember correctly


You are correct, and you can add in other games as well. But that doesn't contradict what I said. Apart from Bioware and Bethesda RPGs, Western RPGs aren't particularly big, and even then the Japanese heavy-hitter, Suare-Enix, still give both of those companies a run for their money in the West. With the recent exception of Oblivion, Final Fantasy Whatever outsells Western RPGs in the West (note: there may be another Western game or two I'm missing, but there won't be too many). By the way, that includes Mass Effect, the biggest Western RPG of last year (1.9 million vs. 2.5 million in the West for Final Fantasy XII, the latest main entry in that series).

ZenfoldorVGI said:
DragonLord said:

Honestly, Persona 3 isn't going to do very well because who the hell wants to buy last gen games anymore? Even God of War II didn't do near as well as it should have on the ps2 because most people want games on a current console.

As far as the ps3, it doesn't have any JRPG's yet...unless you want to call that piece of shit Enchanted Arms a game. Disgaea 3 and Valkyrie Chronicles are JRPG's; HOWEVER, they are SRPG's (Strategy) which is NOT what most of the people clamoring for JRPG's want. And Disgaea 3 has worse graphics than some psp games from what I've seen of it.

And nobody really expects the 360 to sell many JRPG's because it has no install base in Japan and most 360 owners are hardcore shooter fans.


So at this point, the games are either on an outdated console - PS2.

There are none, like the PS3.

Or they're for the wrong userbase - 360.

That simple. I think we're going to be seeing a lot of old-school gamers (like myself) lose patience with Sony very soon and start to buy 360's.

That's unfortunate, because Persona 3 is one of my favorite games this gen, and imo, it's far superior to the highly touted Mass Effect, which was also good, but not great.

Also, I've already bought a 360.

I never played P3 but I definitely was disappointed by Mass Effect.  The story was good but the combat system and technical issues were suckish


Also this gen JRPG's will be very unprofitable & will fail due to them being on the 360.....seriously japanese companies why are you risking you audience.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
Also this gen JRPG's will be very unprofitable & will fail due to them being on the 360.....seriously japanese companies why are you risking you audience.
You have to understand that the PS3 is very hard to develop for due to its cell processors.  The 360 is a lot easier to develop a game on.


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then the wii for gods sake.....why not the wii

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

ZenfoldorVGI said:
noname2200 said:
Riachu said:
darthdevidem01 said:


No hate, from what I can tell, just indifference. RPGs in general aren't anywhere near as huge outside of Japan as they are within. Although a lot of Western games incorporate RPG-esque qualities (stats and the like). And I don't think Western RPGs outsell their Japanese counterparts on a consistent basis in the West.

...and the PS360 doesn't sell anywhere near the Wii, but that doesn't stop the fans of those systems from thinking they are better than everybody else.


If you're not at least a fan of the Final Fantasy series of old, then you've missed a lot of what gaming is about.

 I agree, which is why I love the SNES Final Fantasies and IX (the other Playstation era ones, not so much. But that's personal preference). You're also leaving out a crapload of other awesome Japanese RPGs, such as Tactics Ogre, Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, Soul Blazer, etc. etc. Forgive me if I was unclear: it seems my comments were taken as an attack on the genre, when they were meant as objective "analysis", for lack of a better term. But much as I enjoy RPGs, I've never believed they were a particularly broad genre. A few notable games go on to become blockbusters, but the Final Fantasies and Elder Scrolls are more the exception than the rule.

I don't believe one bit that there so many JRPG fans here or anywhere else.
The fact is that MS announced its JRPG lineup, like their plan originally was, surely to deter MGS4 release.
So, as is usual with MS, their viral marketers are hard at work, like it should be.
When I say there are always over reactions behind most even barely passable XB360 releases, that's just a way to say that the viral marketers (the shills and/or the astroturfers) are hard at work.
This is no different here.

Remember Eternal Sonata ? It was the same nonsense. When the PS3 port is announced, you then hear lots of XB360 owners saying the game is crap.
You won't hear that about any exclusive of course.

So few people gave a damn about the previous SO, and now, it's seen as the second coming of Jesus.

darthdevidem01 said:

then the wii for gods sake.....why not the wii
Well, it doesn't have a good rep among core gamers right now since almost every third party game on the Wii is how I say...shovelware


Bodhesatva said:

I strongly dislike them, if you need a dissenting opinion.


Wha?  You hurt their feelings!    What did they ever do to you?