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Forums - Gaming Discussion - ScrewAttack - Top 10 FPS Games Ever

I'm showing UT with a Nov 1999 release and CS with a June 1999 release.

Was UT originally bundled with something else? I don't remember.

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@ssj12, did you ever hear of Quake, Team Fortress or Tribes? All of these were major FPS's with more influence on online gaming than any of the Unreal titles. I loved Unreal Tournament particularly and the 2004 iteration, but the reason you state ("started the online multiplayer part of FPSs") is bunk.  And the original Unreal contributed absolutely nothing to the genre except the best graphics of the time.  I liked the multiplayer to an extent, but more can be said for Quake 2 during that same time span.

Garcian Smith said:
@ Kratos: Portal is more of a puzzle game than an FPS, I think.

@ ArtOfAngels: As much as I hate to admit it, having spent countless hours of my youth playing it, Goldeneye really hasn't aged well. The framerate is awful, the lack of a second analog stick hurts the controls, and the muddy, blocky visuals are almost painful to look at. There's a great many better shooters out there nowadays.

@ ssj12: I know you're biased against console games, so the fact that you bolded every console-exclusive FPS on that list isn't exactly unexpected. Also, SS2 and Bioshock are sufficiently removed from each-other (the latter is just the spiritual sequel to the former, and not a direct sequel) that I see no issue with listing both. Finally, Wolf3D, like Goldeneye, hasn't aged well at all; it's basically an FPS in its most basic form, which really isn't anything to write home about nowadays.

Well Portal is first person....And you shoot portal FPS=First person shooter. :P XD

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

The list was Ok i guess. Golden eye was a great game, it was the pinnacle of FPS gaming for its time on consoles. Halo was great and has a massive influence on console gaming.

Medal of Honour Frontlines, was also the best WW2 shooter i have ever played. (Not on the list) I'm very Surprised there was no mention of the BF series.

I have to completly agree with ssj12 on Unreal, and rocketpig on other things...

But Unreal didn't start online FPS gaming, Online FPS Gaming started with Quake & Duke3D. After that, online gaming exploded with games like Unreal Tournament, Counterstrike, Tribes, Quake 2

It was the combination of online networks like Mplayer & Total Entertainment Network that started online gaming (GameSpy came afterwards)

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I will say this: these lists are stupid. Unless you rank by influence on the genre or at least establish some criteria, it's pointless arguing what should be on this list.  The amount of subjectivity that not having any established criteria introduces allows a person to squeeze the Doom 3's, Far Cry's, etc. onto a list like this because the list is only as good as that persons tastes, what they've played and when they happened to actually play it.

I don't really have much to say about the matter. The list has absolutely no credibility, so I don't find it worth commenting on, but I do have comments about a couple of games.

Tribes was a lot more important than people give it credit for in that it pioneered a lot of the standard features we expect in shooters these days, like expansive battlegrounds with seamless transitioning between indoor and outdoor environments, selectable armors with different capabilities, controllable vehicles, 32 player support, etc.

Unfortunately, it seems like that game was a total accident since the same developers never managed to recapture the magic of the original game. But on the bright side, some of the Tribes mod community is working on a successor to the series, and I have high hopes for Ascension when it's finally released.

Halo, on the other hand... I've never seen such an overrated game (specifically the first one). The environments are repetitive, bland, and often confusing to navigate, except when you wind up in a room with 18,000 different exits, all of which are locked except for one that happens to lead exactly where you need to go for no obvious reason other than divine intervention. And the fact that it has no story at all for about half the game, then suddenly yanks one from a random orifice and plays it like a plot twist is pretty insulting to the intelligence of anything that can claim to have more than mayonnaise between its ears.

@Play Biiyond, Id have to agree with Tribes...It had massive potential, and a big influence on games (equally as UT did), shame it died out :/

As far as Halo...Well, Coming from a pretty big FPS gaming history (Played Quake1-3, Duke1-3, Unreal 99-2007, HL1-2, R.O.T.T., Tribes, Hexen, Wolfenstein)... I pretty much agree that Halo is very overrated BUT, It's is such a great 'console' game at the time, during that time, consoles didn't really have any good 3D Shooters (Besides Timesplitters :D and GoldenEye) because the console (PS1&2/DC/N64) wasn't powerful enough, or the controller wasn't good enough...But Halo came around at the perfect time, The Xbox1 had a good controller (BIG though), and it the Xbox1 was pretty powerful (Powerful enough to see some visually beautiful scenes from a console, and the physics that were involved in the game for a console)

I think people are finally realizing Halo is overrated...I remember back in Halo1 & 2 days people would praise Halo...and now I notice a lot of these same people dont enjoy Halo as much...Largely in part to games like COD4 giving Halo3 a run for its money...Theres still tons of people who like Halo3, dont get me wrong, but theres a big number of them that have gone to other games now

Anyway, just my opinion about Halo... I still enjoy the game, and I played it yesturday at my buds house :D Wish they had a PS3 so they can take a look at the game that is Unreal Tournament 3 :)

Just once can someone produce a video game piece that doesn't share all the production values and douchebaggy narration of an extended Mountain Dew commercial?

The dedication you show to any particular console or company is inversely proportional to the number of times you have gotten laid. If you get laid enough, even if you prefer a certain brand, you just don't give enough of a shit to argue about it on the internet.

Big FPS multiplayer started with Doom 2! Big online FPS gaming started with Quake! Quake 2 was N1 for it time. Then comes UT, CS and Quake 3.
I think HL, Quake, Doom, Halo and UT should be listed as game series.
There are so many good FPS as Far Cry that comes and gone only because they don't have solid multiplayer.