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Garcian Smith said:
@ Kratos: Portal is more of a puzzle game than an FPS, I think.

@ ArtOfAngels: As much as I hate to admit it, having spent countless hours of my youth playing it, Goldeneye really hasn't aged well. The framerate is awful, the lack of a second analog stick hurts the controls, and the muddy, blocky visuals are almost painful to look at. There's a great many better shooters out there nowadays.

@ ssj12: I know you're biased against console games, so the fact that you bolded every console-exclusive FPS on that list isn't exactly unexpected. Also, SS2 and Bioshock are sufficiently removed from each-other (the latter is just the spiritual sequel to the former, and not a direct sequel) that I see no issue with listing both. Finally, Wolf3D, like Goldeneye, hasn't aged well at all; it's basically an FPS in its most basic form, which really isn't anything to write home about nowadays.

Well Portal is first person....And you shoot portal FPS=First person shooter. :P XD

PSN ID: clemens-nl