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I don't really have much to say about the matter. The list has absolutely no credibility, so I don't find it worth commenting on, but I do have comments about a couple of games.

Tribes was a lot more important than people give it credit for in that it pioneered a lot of the standard features we expect in shooters these days, like expansive battlegrounds with seamless transitioning between indoor and outdoor environments, selectable armors with different capabilities, controllable vehicles, 32 player support, etc.

Unfortunately, it seems like that game was a total accident since the same developers never managed to recapture the magic of the original game. But on the bright side, some of the Tribes mod community is working on a successor to the series, and I have high hopes for Ascension when it's finally released.

Halo, on the other hand... I've never seen such an overrated game (specifically the first one). The environments are repetitive, bland, and often confusing to navigate, except when you wind up in a room with 18,000 different exits, all of which are locked except for one that happens to lead exactly where you need to go for no obvious reason other than divine intervention. And the fact that it has no story at all for about half the game, then suddenly yanks one from a random orifice and plays it like a plot twist is pretty insulting to the intelligence of anything that can claim to have more than mayonnaise between its ears.