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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Looks like SO4 coming to 360 (almost confirmed)

LAST REMNANT is timed exclusive for 360!

5:22: Next, Last Remnant. This is the last game for the day. It is being introduced by Nobuyuki Ueda, producer. He will announce two big things today.

1. The game will be released first on Xbox 360!

2. Japan, North America, Europe release will occur simultanoeusly. It will be released this winter. That's just the 360 version.

They will share more details at E3. That's all they can announce today. However, they will show a trailer that was created on Xbox 360.

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Yep, this winter, but not a full exclusive, just timed with a simultaneous ww release

Holy shit, Last Remnant timed exclusive for 360...

That may cause even more meltdowns than SO4.

SE what have you done. Roffle.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Kasz216 said:
Munkeh111 said:
It is not a timed exclusive, but they have just announced that the Last Remnant is. They made no mention of SO 4 being one, so we can assume it is multiplatform

 But back before we were told a console we were told it was an exclusive for a HD cosnole.

What? I don't remember that

@ claude it is not as high profilea release



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EaglesEye379 said:
More <3 from MS.

But I must say that the Tales of Vesperia EU 2009 release (6 months delay!) really sucks.

 Yeh, though it does make you appreichiate the SE release dates more! Hopefully they will make it muti regional

Sure Sony claims they aren't "in the check writing business," but they could at least make some deals. Is the PS3 costing them so much, they can't spare the funds to secure more than a few major exclusives?

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

lol @ rukusa

"Sony better drop some mother fucking bombs at E3 and TGS or Im out."

Always so refreshingly angry.

Uh it seems like SE's Last Remnant is time-exclusive to Xbox 360 ...

Where are you, little SCEJ ?

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

celine said:
Kasz216 said:
Million said:
IF this game is exclusive to the 360......

When this game was first announced it was announced as an "Exclusive for an HD console" if i remember correctly.

Of which we waited MONTHS for the console to be announced.


Which was weird.

Unless that was mistranslated and it was "HD console exclusive" then i think it's safe to put it in the 360 camp only.

Maybe it'stime/regional exclusive like Eternal Sonata ... waiting for confirmation.

 If that were the case one would expect it would of been announced for 360 right there since the exclusivity deal would of been done then.

The fact that they announced it so long ago and that it was exclusive would seem to me that it was intended to be exclusive from the very start... and the announcement was just held back until they had more info.