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celine said:
Kasz216 said:
Million said:
IF this game is exclusive to the 360......

When this game was first announced it was announced as an "Exclusive for an HD console" if i remember correctly.

Of which we waited MONTHS for the console to be announced.


Which was weird.

Unless that was mistranslated and it was "HD console exclusive" then i think it's safe to put it in the 360 camp only.

Maybe it'stime/regional exclusive like Eternal Sonata ... waiting for confirmation.

 If that were the case one would expect it would of been announced for 360 right there since the exclusivity deal would of been done then.

The fact that they announced it so long ago and that it was exclusive would seem to me that it was intended to be exclusive from the very start... and the announcement was just held back until they had more info.