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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Looks like SO4 coming to 360 (almost confirmed)

well, we are annoyed that Sony has not bothered to secure any jRPG exclusives, that is why I am getting a 360

Star Ocean series is made by tri-ace, and the last one feature a combat system where you walk around on the world map and then when you run into one of the monsters roaming the map it triggers a battle, where you are free to run around on the batte map and you have two buttons, and then you can hold them to do more moves, so you have 4 moves, and then you can use magic from the overlaid menu. It is a completely active battle system which is really fun.
My only complaint with 3 was that it was not set in a sci-fi location despite being billed as a sci-fi game

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Million said:
IF this game is exclusive to the 360......

 When this game was first announced it was announced as an "Exclusive for an HD console" if i remember correctly.

Of which we waited MONTHS for the console to be announced.


Which was weird.

Unless that was mistranslated and it was "HD console exclusive" then i think it's safe to put it in the 360 camp only.

FinalEvangelion said:
Euphoria14 said:
I checked the link in the OP and I saw a post with 2 pictures. Which game is the 2nd pic of because it says Sony Computer Entertainment in the bottom right corner.

 That's White Knight Chronicles.

That's that I thought. I was wondering why it was in a thread about 360 RPG's.


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Slimebeast said:
Shouldn't Sony-owners be happy? After all it didn't say it was exclusive. And this was an MS event, so obviously they aren't talking about a PS3 version here.

Why wouldn't it be released simultanously on the PS3, or did I miss a recent Japanese Sony event where SO4 wasn't announced?

Can someone give a short summary about Star Ocean btw. It seems to be a small franchise judging from VGC sales, what's so great about these games?

IF and only IF it proves to be multiplatform then Sony has just "made it in time" but seriously, knowing how Sony has become so fucking ridiculous about trying to get third parties to develope on their platform I'd say there's a little chance for that to happen.

I blame the management by Kaz, Tretton and all the other dickwads at Sony that apparently have no fucking idea what their gamer community want, or apparently they have forgotten to care about us. Obviously this is has become more business for them whoring the PS brand till they've squeezed every penny out of it rather than delivering to the folks who've bothered buying their gaming machine. Why else would Sony be fucking idiots keeping 3 different consoles afloat: PS2 was great they're trying to make it last as long as possible for the money, PSP has become a knee-deep fiasco; in the latest news Ready At Dawn has just returned their PSP dev-kits for the obvious reasons, The PS3.... The PS3 has done nothing most besides repelling games off it.

Sony better drop some mother fucking bombs at E3 and TGS or Im out.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

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*~Onna76~* said:
If SOIV turns out to be 360 exclusive, I'm selling my PS3 and stick with the WII and my handhelds and won't be buying a console in the future ever again. I'm sick and tired of the sick games which MS is pulling and Sony being so god damn lazy!

And NEVER I will buy a 360!! F**k MS and their stealing from PS, assholes.

Stealing from PS? How do you figure? It's not like it's a Sony owned franchise. I know your feeling burned for buying a PS3.

But this isn't Microsofts fault.

It's the same when a number of Nintendo only franchises made the exodus over to the PS1. 

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It is not a timed exclusive, but they have just announced that the Last Remnant is. They made no mention of SO 4 being one, so we can assume it is multiplatform

Last Remnant time exclusive for 360?

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Munkeh111 said:
It is not a timed exclusive, but they have just announced that the Last Remnant is. They made no mention of SO 4 being one, so we can assume it is multiplatform

 But back before we were told a console we were told it was an exclusive for a HD cosnole.

Munkeh111 said:
well, we are annoyed that Sony has not bothered to secure any jRPG exclusives, that is why I am getting a 360

Star Ocean series is made by tri-ace, and the last one feature a combat system where you walk around on the world map and then when you run into one of the monsters roaming the map it triggers a battle, where you are free to run around on the batte map and you have two buttons, and then you can hold them to do more moves, so you have 4 moves, and then you can use magic from the overlaid menu. It is a completely active battle system which is really fun.
My only complaint with 3 was that it was not set in a sci-fi location despite being billed as a sci-fi game

Hmm.... sounds interesting. The real time aspect.

Kasz216 said:
Million said:
IF this game is exclusive to the 360......

 When this game was first announced it was announced as an "Exclusive for an HD console" if i remember correctly.

Of which we waited MONTHS for the console to be announced.


Which was weird.

Unless that was mistranslated and it was "HD console exclusive" then i think it's safe to put it in the 360 camp only.

 Maybe it'stime/regional exclusive like Eternal Sonata ... waiting for confirmation.

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

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