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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Looks like SO4 coming to 360 (almost confirmed)

Munkeh111 said:
@ kasz, thanks for the clarification, but the fact is that the FF fans will also play these other games, and so these being on Ps3 would boost its numbers considerably with XIII looming in the background

 Maybe... maybe not.

Most Final Fantasy fans i don't expect to play much outside of Final Fantasy games when it comes to RPGs.

I mean... looking at when FF broke out in the US and Europe with 7... Final Fantasy saw huge growths in numbers... but as far as know no other RPGs shared even remotely similar growths.

People were happy with their Final Fantasy games every once and a while and that was it, then they went back to their other genres of games.

Maybe some who want an RPG now and are miffed that FF13 hasn't come out yet... but even then after FF12 in which they completely changed up the battlesystem for the majority of Final Fantasy fans I gotta think a lot of these JRPGs would seem like steps backwords to outdated combat systems. (which is what most reveiwers complain about.)

Granted SO would be different... but when it comes to most RPGs the 360 has "stolen." 

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darthdevidem01 said:

Twesterm saved us from disaster yesterday night.

Nobody's spamming anything. I'm just expressing my concern for the genre & its fans as whole  Kaz and the PS3 ......especially its fans in Japan who may miss out on SO4 if its 360 exclusive.



Yes, last nite was chaotic. It was fun to see you in panic lol.


BUT THEN WHY are they FUNDING KILLZONE 2 like its the Second COming??

I say they should Abandon KZ2 n spend money over here in Japan

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

lets see.......Tales Of Symphonia 2 comes out this month

if it outsells its predecessors (it better do) then ALL JRPG support I hope will move to wii

 That soon huh?  Neat.  Been waiting for a fairly big RPG to come out on the Wii to test if the RPG market has moved over.

I kinda hope not.  As the PS3 being region free is good for me for importing simplier SRPGs like Super Robot Wars games. 

EaglesEye379 said:

Anyone notice that there is no news from Mistwalker? No Cry On, LO 2, BD 2??? Did they only invite Square Enix and Namco or is this a sign of trouble?

Well Mistwalker is also working on their DS games. They have Blue Dragon Plus (DS) coming out in August in JP and maybe another one soon, though I'm not exactly sure.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

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@ shams, we care because Sony needs to increase the install base in Japan, because rumours are that SE is not rushing XIII because it needs to PS3 to have a larger install base to make sure that it gets a decent return. My main problem is that Sony have all these studios, but many are taking forever to make any games. Only ND and Insomniac seem capable of regularily releasing games, and Insomniac will be onto their third before many studios make their first

EaglesEye379 said:

Anyone notice that there is no news from Mistwalker? No Cry On, LO 2, BD 2??? Did they only invite Square Enix and Namco or is this a sign of trouble?

 CVG speculated that theyare saving Mistwalker for E3, as I doubt that any of their games will be out this year, as LO was released quite recently


but it will come here in November....or do you understand japanese or something??

anyways that will be the first BIG test for wii imo.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


but it will come here in November....or do you understand japanese or something??

anyways that will be the first BIG test for wii imo.

On a Side-Not I am DEFINITELY DUMPING PSP now.....n buying a DS.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Kasz216 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

lets see.......Tales Of Symphonia 2 comes out this month

if it outsells its predecessors (it better do) then ALL JRPG support I hope will move to wii

That soon huh? Neat. Been waiting for a fairly big RPG to come out on the Wii to test if the RPG market has moved over.

I kinda hope not. As the PS3 being region free is good for me for importing simplier SRPGs like Super Robot Wars games.

ToS2 comes out for the Wii in Japan in about 2 weeks. Not sure about WW release.


starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"