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Forums - Website Topics - Multi colored titles!

I'm thinking about combining last weeks and this week's fashions and make a thread about boycotting threads with multi-colour titles, but here's the clincher, the title will in fact be multi-coloured ;P

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Err I'm guessing this is a bug. Until I can check with ioi please refrain from using these. ;>

A bug? Looks like HTML to me. Oh and lightbleeder: I don't know if I have to include people that litterally ask for it...

lol! With that we'll a rainbow of thread titles!

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

It's a bug to have thread titles recognize it, yeah. :p

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I like the multi-colours in the thread title.

BengaBenga said:
A bug? Looks like HTML to me. Oh and lightbleeder: I don't know if I have to include people that litterally ask for it...

 Fair enough, I said maybe anyway and it didn't get that much attention IMO. Keep up the good work!

I wonder if the thread titles will accept more then just colour HTML codes

Actually three colors is the limit because the HTML code takes a lot of characters and remember that titles have a limited number of characters permitted.

So you can have the default color and two more of your choice...

so what happens when someone puts an image tag in a thread title