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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Rumour: Metal Gear Solid (the first one, duh) Coming to XBLA

starcraft said:
Everstar said:
what do u mean startcraft? and that would be cool if the did have it on XBL i would DL it.

Xbox got MGS3: Subsistence (essentially the same game with a different name). 

Xbox 360 will eventually get some sort of version of MGS4, which we are nicknaming Subsistence. 


 I might pick up MGS4:Subsistence from the bargain bin and play it through in God mode just to watch the movie.

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Slimebeast said:

 I might pick up MGS4:Subsistence from the bargain bin and play it through in God mode just to watch the movie.

this post made no sense at all.


i think if they release a metal gear it will be the original released on nes

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"



^ starcraft, me and many more believe that MGS4 will eventually be released on the X360.

I don't like sneak/stealth games but the movie-like story of MGS4 is interesting. So I'd buy the game when it sells for 20 bucks, use "God mode" cheats or at least walkthrough to pass the tougher gameplay parts and just watch the cut-scnes.

Wouldn't that work??

Slimebeast said:



^ starcraft, me and many more believe that MGS4 will eventually be released on the X360.

I don't like sneak/stealth games but the movie-like story of MGS4 is interesting. So I'd use a "God mode" cheats or at least walkthrough to pass the tougher gameplay parts and just watch the cut-scnes.

Wouldn't that work??

so basically it's going to take at least a year to come out on 360, then how long do you think it's going to take for it to end up in the bargain bin? because if you really are going to wait that long, you're going to be waiting for a good few years.

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DOATS1 said:
Slimebeast said:



^ starcraft, me and many more believe that MGS4 will eventually be released on the X360.

I don't like sneak/stealth games but the movie-like story of MGS4 is interesting. So I'd use a "God mode" cheats or at least walkthrough to pass the tougher gameplay parts and just watch the cut-scnes.

Wouldn't that work??

so basically it's going to take at least a year to come out on 360, then how long do you think it's going to take for it to end up in the bargain bin? because if you really are going to wait that long, you're going to be waiting for a good few years.


That's right. But nowadays I seldom go to the movie theatre either, or even bother to walk all the way to a video store and rent a movie. I tend to wait the 2-3 years it takes for them to be broadcast on TV. 

Same with the MGS4-movie. Unless I get a good reason to buy a PS3 and thus are able to buy it one year earlier...



Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
No no no...Xbox fans will not buy this game because it has teh too many cutscenes and not enough FPS.

Yeah and your stupid.

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Slimebeast said:

That's right. But nowadays I seldom go to the movie theatre either, or even bother to walk all the way to a video store and rent a movie. I tend to wait the 2-3 years it takes for them to be broadcast on TV. 

Same with the MGS4-movie. Unless I get a good reason to buy a PS3 and thus are able to buy it one year earlier...



i guess you have patience.

starcraft said:

Xbox got MGS3: Subsistence (essentially the same game with a different name). 

Xbox 360 will eventually get some sort of version of MGS4, which we are nicknaming Subsistence. 


Subsistence worked well as a subtitle for 3 given the "eating" mechanic that was involved. With extensive cutscenes and a tendency toward ridiculously contrived plots, I'd lean more towards "MGS 4: Incomprehensible".

The dedication you show to any particular console or company is inversely proportional to the number of times you have gotten laid. If you get laid enough, even if you prefer a certain brand, you just don't give enough of a shit to argue about it on the internet.

Euphoria14 said:
starcraft said:
BMaker11 said:

Doubt it. I mean, think about it. 350MB is only HALF the size of the first MGS1 disk. What makes them think it will fit the WHOLE game on there?

About a decade's worth of advancements in compression technology?


Then why are XBox originals still around the same exact size as the original DVD copies?

Have you got a link to prove that?

In any case the answer to your question is simple.  The xbox originals are already made and as such there is no limit on the size they can be.  Microsoft has to put a limit on the size of XBLA games because otherwise devs would run rampant. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS