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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will Saints Row 2 be a better game than GTA IV?

I personally think it will because it will be overall more fun!

But on the other hand..... IT'S FREAKIN GTA IV!


What do you think?

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In ranking, no way

Name ONE "something" killer (Ηallo Killer, Mario Killer, CoD Killer- yes, Killzone 2 claims it will be the one) that has achieved something above mediocre.

i don't mean sales wise

This topic has been done to death.

It was universally agreed that Saints Row 2 would improve on GTAIV in every respect without limitation or exception.


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epinefridis said:
Name ONE "something" killer (Ηallo Killer, Mario Killer, CoD Killer- yes, Killzone 2 claims it will be the one) that has achieved something above mediocre.

 wat about final fantasy killers

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It's obvious that saints row will not take over the market with this title but
it will most likely have better gameplay, more customisable options, and
just more crap you can do.

Saint's Row tried to be better than San Andreas and FAILED EPICALLY.

All Saint's Row is nothing but pointless violence and "gang-banging" which is where every GTA clone fails. GTA has to do with the Mafia, not the "streets". San Andreas was slightly different in that respect but it wasn't about killing people, it was about seeking revenge.


If anything GTA IV should have it's score lowered to allow Saints Row to be above it! :)




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

It kinda looks like it'll be better.