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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft puts Blu-Ray rumours to rest (again)

Q: In January, Warner Bros. announced that it was going to support Blu-ray, the high-definition DVD format. Since then, the rival HD DVD format has gone away. Microsoft supported HD DVD with an Xbox HD DVD attachment. What is your plan there?

A: Our plan continues to focus on high-definition experiences. Xbox 360 has a great ability to deliver those through the Xbox Live (online download) service. It's a great way to get the high-definition concept because it's right there. There's no additional media. There is nothing you need to purchase.

If you look at the Blu-ray player market, you haven't seen the acceleration everybody expected (since the demise of HD DVD). It's not as much about whether all the content is in a Blu-ray format or a HD DVD format. You have to look at how fundamentally compelling the difference is between a progressive scan DVD player and the picture that it can produce and what you get on a high-definition player. The reality is there is some difference, but most people look at it and say, "I am not going to pay extra for that."

Q: So no plans for Blu-ray in the next generation Xbox?

A: No. There is nothing to even talk about right now with regard to the next generation. That is so far out that there isn't anything to talk about.

I think that should put any rumours concerning Microsoft adopting blu-ray to rest. 

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MS stands its ground regarding BR while Sony can keep BR as a sales pitch.

It was the most logical thing that could've happened. Glad to see logic prevailed for once.

I am curious how they're going to "rival Apple" today though if not with a BR related announcement.


Torillian said:
I am curious how they're going to "rival Apple" today though if not with a BR related announcement.

I'm guessing it's going to be related to Zune, possibly a Zune phone.

Edit: scratch that, no Zune phone in the near future. I'm not sure what they have up their sleeve in that case. 

@Torillian: Are they going to have any announcement at all, or was that part of the rumour too?

I thought it was quite stupid to expect a Blu-Ray announcement to counter a iPhone announcement, it's not like there's a relationship between the two... If anything, an announcement would have something to do with Windows Mobile or perhaps the Zune.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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I assume there will still be an announcement, but you may be right. Personally I expected something zune-ish since they have to counter the Iphone thing today right?


what time is their conference at

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Kotaku got the news mixed, the real deal is a blue-ray addon for... the Zune!

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

"A: No. There is nothing to even talk about right now with regard to the next generation."

Confirmed, Blu Ray xbox THIS generation :P

Seriously though, Microsoft never cared that much for the hd-dvd add-on, I think they mostly kept it there as an up yours to Sony.

Good god I get tired of the whole MS vs Apple shit. They are after completely different audiences. Apple is after hipsters and artists, and MS is after Corporations and Big Businesses. There is no need for them to have a "cool" image to sell their products. If Apple does not come off as the cool kid, their main products don't sell. MS could give a rats ass about the public perception of them as a company because businesses do not care about the image of a software company. Apple is known to be terrible with business(ie, support) and doesn't even want the market. MS has side projects that might coincide with what Apple is doing, but it is in the notion of diversification that they do this. I would hope you people aren't trying to tell a multi-billion DEBT FREE dollar corporation how to change their business model because theirs is not working.