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Forums - General Discussion - On average, how much do you exercise daily?

summer time and I'm inside on the computer not going outside... hmm, I'm too lazzy

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umm whenever I can like doing horsestance while typing no computer chair . or couple chin ups on the bar mounted doorframe $10 at walmart good deal.

well 4-5 times a week i run/jog for 30 mins. then 15 minute bike ride.  and then i lift weights for about an hour.  i isolate muscle groups each day and have a high protien diet.  I used to be a fatty, ive lost 60 pounds.

Xbox live and Playstation Network = Foulcun

Not playing my wii online yet...maybe you can talk me into it

I don't exercise at all. I don't need to. I'm 5'9'' and weigh 132 lbs. that's a BMI of 19.5

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

my bmi is 18.1