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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Before bedtime: For those that thought Banjo 3 wasn't a platformer.

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kn said:
Why does everyone think this is a racing game? I've watched the trailers and I don't see any racing going on. What I do see is a pure platform game where much of the platforming involves gathering items and using those items to build cool vehicles. The vehicles themselves are part of the platforming action. If a "hero" in a platformer uses another mode of transportation in addition to his feet, does that make the game not a platformer? I see vehicles being used to navigate the world -- jump, drive, fly, but I still see pure platformer...

If there is some sort of trailer out there that shows the game to be a racing game, please post a link because I've obviously not been looking at the same ones.

I agree with everything you said.  To my knowledge, no such trailer exists.

To see people that believe Banjo 3 is a racer, view the below thread:


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Banjo 3 will be a good game, but it will not be what people expected it to be.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

I think we have seen a small amount of racing, but people assume that because it has vehicles it must be racing. NOOOOO! They are doing something new, people always want something new

Well I don't consider Ratchet and Clank a platformer anymore, so I certainly don't consider BK3 one.

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I think a more realistic accusation than racer is that BK3 is a kart game like CTR or MK. Those are both more racing centric than BK3 but BK3 appears to have more in common with them than with traditional platformers.

Oh and of course it doesn't mean the game is going to bad, just a disappointment for the old Banjo diehard fans who were hoping for another Banjo-Kazooie, not for Banjo Kart.

So now BK3 is considered a kart game? Isn't that racing? Hasn't it been clearly shown the game is not racing?

Rath said:
I think a more realistic accusation than racer is that BK3 is a kart game like CTR or MK. Those are both more racing centric than BK3 but BK3 appears to have more in common with them than with traditional platformers.

Oh and of course it doesn't mean the game is going to bad, just a disappointment for the old Banjo diehard fans who were hoping for another Banjo-Kazooie, not for Banjo Kart.

 Mario Kart is a racing game!!!!!!!!!!!

I couldn’t agree more. Banjo Kazooie introduced lots of great moves and worlds to explore. Banjo Tooie added more new moves, and a true overworld with minigames/FPS segments ect to keep the game fresh. What else could BK3 add? New moves? BK2 already had grenade/time bomb/homing/freezing/fire eggs, and Banjo and Kazooie splitting up, and minigames ect. So BK3 would either have to be a BK1 of BK2 HD rehash (I would have like a BK1 HD rehash very much)

I think Rare wanted to move the series forward, and the only way to do that would be to add something new. With user created content coming into prominence, I suspect that Rare thought that adding a few user created vehicles would spice up the gameplay. Players could platform in huge worlds and use vehicles every so often. Then they realized how well it worked and made most of the game vehicle based. At least that What I am hoping.

BK3 has the potential to be the finest game Rare has ever created. The graphics are certainly there, and based on “Banjo Land” and “Mumbo’s nuts” I would hazard to guess that the creativity and humor that made the first two Banjo’s so great also remain. The question now is: will all the pieces come together to make a fabulous whole? If even one aspect of the game is bad, the whole thing will fall apart for me unfortunately. (botched platforming in showdown town=  , bad vehicle making interface would make the game terrible, ect) But I am hopeful…

Munkeh111 said:
Rath said:
I think a more realistic accusation than racer is that BK3 is a kart game like CTR or MK. Those are both more racing centric than BK3 but BK3 appears to have more in common with them than with traditional platformers.

Oh and of course it doesn't mean the game is going to bad, just a disappointment for the old Banjo diehard fans who were hoping for another Banjo-Kazooie, not for Banjo Kart.

Mario Kart is a racing game!!!!!!!!!!!

Mario Kart is a kart game. It does have a lot of racing in it but there are a lot of other things too, like boss fights and such. 

 I know that BK3 isn't going to be nearly as racing centric as MK is but it still has a lot more in common with it than the first two Banjos in my opinion.