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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why so many FANBOYS

"Blow people's brains out of their asses" eh?

That is the single coolest quote I have ever heard. I'm going to work it into as many conversations as possible, today!

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You mean the 6min IMAX promo which was shown in front on I Am Legend. With the Joker introduction/bank robbery.

Yeah thats a wicked sequence (I have the camcorder footage!)

Is this Two-Face?

There have been some fake images, and someothers that have been removed but I found this tucked away. No way of knowing if its 100% genuine. I think its a makeup example!

Aron Eckart has himself stated that:

“I can tell you that, basically, when you look at Two-Face, you should get sick to your stomach. Being the guy under all that, well, that was a lot of fun for me. It’s like you would feel if you met someone whose face had pretty much been ripped off or burned off with acid. …There are fans on the Internet who have done artist’s versions of what they think it will look like, and I can tell you this: They’re thinking small; Chris is going way farther than people think.”


I'm pretty sure that's fake.

It's too extreme, there are still kids going to the movie. Remember this is the reason Scarecrow's "melting" mask was also cut:

And I have a few pics too. :P

On topic, I'd rather have smart fanboys than dumb people like the OP (who horribly put the wrong consoles in the wrong generations). :P

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles fan for life. <3

Because there are a lot of us longing to see the Behemoth defeated.

Yeah, the Joker bank robbery sequence. It rocked. Christopher Nolan is a breath of fresh air to cinema. He can use the Hollywood system's money and make provocative films. You should also check out the Russian trailer to Wanted. It kicks the American trailer's ass with a bag full of bull balls.

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pinback4life said:
it seems to me that this generation of consoles XBOX 360, PS3, Wii have been overwhelmed with fanboys, but what i dont understand is why it has gotten so out of control. Even during the ps3, n64, and xbox were around it never seemed like it was that big of an issue whay the hell and were the hell did all these fanboys come from and why has it spiked this gen so badly

 Because there is no clear winner of the console war this gen so people have reasons to argue. Last 2 gens were pwned by the PS brand

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

the Wii has a new target audience, which has made some PS360 owners feel threatend and the close sales of PS360 have made rivalry fierce.

That's all that is on the internet are fanboys lol