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Forums - Gaming Discussion - SSBB best fighter of all time?

Riot Of The Blood said:
brawl is rather unbalanced. A character like metaknight makes damn near half the cast unplayable.

but for the faster guys they made them weaker,and for the slower guys they made em stronger(by this i mean with strength,they damage more %)

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it makes my top 10 fighters, but i like street fighter, soul caliber, virtua fighter, Marverl vs Capcom, and power stone more

SSBB IS my best game of all time.

Proud owner of all three consoles and handhelds.

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Aj_habfan said:
I still prefer the original on N64.

This for me as well, but most likely due to nostalgia. Thousands of hours spent with it, with that wonderful trident controller. Switching to Melee was so hard at first because of it. My friends and I still pull it out once in a while and play some matches at get togethers. 

I don't really play very many fighting games aside from the Smash series, and wrestling games (do they count?)...........but regardless, they are very good games.

I dunno I really enjoyed street fighter I think that and SSBB are tied for first.

PSWii60 owner! woot

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Definitely not the best fighter of all time.  I'm not really sure what it is, but Brawl just isn't as fun as the N64 version for me.  It just seems unnecessary.  Online, I can't really say much about, what I tried when I first bought it was really laggy, and since then I have pretty much only played against people in the same room.  Which to me is how SSB is meant to be played anyway.  Subspace Emissary was just extremely boring, even playing it co-op.

I've never played melee, but I suppose if I did, it would only strengthen how I feel about Brawl.  It just doesn't feel needed, it brings better graphics, and some features I didn't want.  The one nice thing is the additional characters and maps.  But considering I haven't even used all the characters or maps extensively in the original, I don't really think that warrants a new game.

brute said:
soccerdrew17 said:
i dont like traditional fighters and i actually consider this a combination of old school 2d action games and fighters.

its #2 on my list if its considered a fighter. right behind, well a good bit behind melee. melee is still freaking amazing. if im consistently playing a game 7 years after release during which time a critically acclaimed sequel/new game in series has been released than that means something.

you probably dont like how they slowed down the speed right?

 slowed down the speed and took out a lot of tech.  although im glad l-canceling is gone: pressing a button at a specific time to speed u up is stupid because it just makes it harder to get used to it.

 o and the ridiculous campyness of brawl annoys the hell out of me.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

I consider it the best crossover fighting game.

 @ Smeags

Brawl's roster is most likely 2nd in terms of the most balanced roster for the Smash series. I dunno, 64 had a pretty balanced roster, but Brawl's roster takes the delicious cake when compared to Melee.

brawl is decently balanced, although some stuff is quickly showing its wrong.

melee was not balanced. especially with fox's reflector. although at the end more characters starte winning tournies (i heart king)

64 was a joke. it was so bad that people dont even get into the balance.


edit:wrong quote XD 

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

Aj_habfan said:

Oh god, great addition? I seriously found it very boring. It was like work without a reward. I haven't tried online, but I hear it's near unplayable. More levels, but they are all pretty similar to N64 ones and the ones that try to be different (moving backgrounds and such) don't add much to the game. I haven't tried level creator, so I'll have to take your word on that one.

The fact that every character has new moves, and nearly all of them have had the way their moves work drastically altered. There is a host of new items, and dramatically different stages. Nothing in 64 comes close to 75m, Spear Pillar, or Flat Zone 2. And I really can't see how you could call all the new characters useless. They have nearly trippled the playable character list, and have relatively few clones.

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