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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360: Console Home of RPGs?


& you can play DS in the toilet...

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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shio said:
Slimebeast said:
The X360 rules over all the important genres.

Shooters, RTS, W-RPG, adventure, racing, J-RPG.

How so? PC rules completely 5 of the 6 "genres" you just mentioned. And DS has a vaster array of JRPGs and Adventure games.

However, if we are talking strictly of Home Consoles only, then you would be right, with the exception of Wii having a much better selection of Adventure games. Seriously I struggle to think of even 1 Adventure game out on 360 (maybe you meant action-adventure genre instead?)

Of course the PC rules nearly everything, but yes, we're talking consoles. DS doesn't count, becuase it's not a real console and the grafix suck monkey.

In the adventure genre you have action-adventure Kameo, and upcoming in 2008 you have real adventure games such as Theseis plus some obscure titles I forgot.


darthdevidem01 said:

everything will go to 360....but Dragon Quest aint going to it mate...
Star Ocean could still go 360 since Tales went 360(with the possibility of a PS3 version).  More niche ones will also be on the 360 and already are going to be


ssj12 said:
it will be interesting but WKS, and a bunch of other RPGs are coming soon to a PS3 near you.

And by "Coming soon" you mean?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

darthdevidem01 said:

Then 360 has NO good JRPG's at the moment...
Having just finished Lost Odyssey and being ten hours into Eternal Sonata, I'm going to have to disagree with you.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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mrstickball said:
shio said:
Slimebeast said:
The X360 rules over all the important genres.

Shooters, RTS, W-RPG, adventure, racing, J-RPG.

How so? PC rules completely 5 of the 6 "genres" you just mentioned. And DS has a vaster array of JRPGs and Adventure games.

However, if we are talking strictly of Home Consoles only, then you would be right, with the exception of Wii having a much better selection of Adventure games. Seriously I struggle to think of even 1 Adventure game out on 360 (maybe you meant action-adventure genre instead?)

Kameo ring a bell for an adventure game?

At any rate, I wonder what RPGs are going to be announced - minor ones such as From Software and Spectral Force-level games, or big ones?

 Kameo fits perfectly in the action-adventure genre. It's not an adventure game.

Anyway, on-topic, I think it will be the release of more info about some of 360's jrpgs such as Cry-on. I doubt they will announce a new exclusive jrpg when they have a few of them waiting to be released.


SO isn't niche....

SO won't go to 360 exclusively...count on that

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Shameless said:
noname2200 said:


You're talking about something purely subjective, so I can't really say that you're "wrong" per se, but I can tell you that your opinion hardly represents the majority's opinion. I, for instance, am masochistic enough to enjoy Shiren the Wanderer and Eritrean Oddeysey, which (for me) doubles your list. (there are others as well: those are only two examples) You're welcome to keep insisting that you only like two JRPGs on the DS, but most of us feel otherwise. But we're all digressing here.

Yeah, I have played both games for a short time and found them to be awful. If you honestly enjoyed them then more power to you. Shiren, especially as I haven't played a roguelike before, was just ridiculous.

I still think that the majority opinion is that Pokemon and TWEWY are the only great JRPGs on the console, though. The FF games were disappointing in general. 

 There is alot more than 2 good ds rpgs. If you look at the average of the top ten ds rpgs, and the average of the top ten 360 rpgs(counting wrpgs) on gamerankings they are equal. The ds is getting tons more support though with games like soma bringer, black sigel, disgaea, Dragon Quest IX(existing main series), dragon quest remakes, Final Fantasy Remakes, World's Destruction, Soma Bringer, Fire Emblem Ds( I know it's first party, but still counts), The dark brotherhood, Kh 365/2, Etrian Oddysey II, Valkyrie profile, Rune Factory II, the Tales Games for the ds,Xenosaga I&II, and many many more. 


Edit: OH and I would take a good remake over a new crappy game any time. 

starcraft said:
ssj12 said:
it will be interesting but WKS, and a bunch of other RPGs are coming soon to a PS3 near you.

And by "Coming soon" you mean?

 well there are about 6 RPGs dated for Summer - Winter plus I keep hearing rumors off the grapevine that WKS might be released in November. 

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starcraft said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Then 360 has NO good JRPG's at the moment...
Having just finished Lost Odyssey and being ten hours into Eternal Sonata, I'm going to have to disagree with you.


 It was a sarcastic comment to prove a point to shameless, who said the DS only had 2 good RPG's.