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Forums - General Discussion - What's college like?

Hyperion said:
Hmmm, my strategy was also to study my ass off as I need to keep my scholarship as well. I'll probably take the earlier classes since I funciton better in the morning...and I'll endeavor to not get too distracted. But I think I'll do fine. There's always that inkling of doubt that I'll screw up majorly, though. =/

As long as your commute isn't that long and you dont have to wake up to early, than take the early classes. make sure that they are the easiest cus you wont want to fall asleep in a class like statistics or accounting. trust me, i learned the hard way. whatever you do, dont sign up for the 8 o'clock classes, GPA killers!! Good luck :)


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That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.

Think twice before helping a friend in need.

There are usually enough people in the class that you don't need to make eye contact with the professor.

And girls...



Come over to England, and you can go to uni, meet hot girls, skip classes AND drink! Like me! We will rock out with our cocks out together and tear this place apart!

Or y'know, we wont...

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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I'd post a picture of what college is like, but I'd get banned. Good luck.

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Congrats on nabbing the scholarship. Don't worry too much about college life: if you're the responsible sort, you'll be able to dispense with your studies fairly easily, and have plenty of time to do whatever you want. Just make sure to keep at least some focus: since no one cares whether you attend class or not, it's too easy to slip off the wagon if you're not careful.

Also be warned that the dorm food will suck, you're not going to get all the classes that you want, and if the brownies smell suspicious you probably shouldn't eat them. Most of all, just remember not to take your studies too seriously, as those are often the folks who burn out the quickest. Good luck!

I still have like 2 years before college, hope you have fun.

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ArtofAngels said:
Girls, lots of pretty girls.





 The Ghost of RubangB said:
I'd post a picture of what college is like, but I'd get banned. Good luck.




Have fun! 

Work. All those bad study skills that you developed in High School will come back and bite you in College. You will have to do your homework. You will have to study.

But with all the new freedoms, it will be much, MUCH harder to keep focused on school work. My philosophy is if you want to play lots of Videogames, slack off, and chase around girls, you can do so from home and not have to pay a buttload of money to be in College.

By all means, have fun. But don't forget why you're there: To get tail a degree.

If you really want the degree and you know for sure you made the right career choice, then it would be a great experience. I'm at my fourth year so far, with a lot of highs and lows along the way. I would probably finish in 2 more years, when I was supposed to do so in 1 more.

My tip is don't get distracted during the first 2 years, those are decisive. During the first year you will notice the real difference between highschool and university, you will have a lot more freedom, and at the same time much more obligations. Things will seem much harder than in highschool, or maybe not, I'm just speaking by my own experiences, so you shouldn't feel discouraged.
There will be a lot of chances to get distracted, like parties, hanging out with your room mates, girls, and you should take advantage of them! But keep in mind that if you want to keep your scholarship you better not screw during the first years.

The later years are by far the easiest, once you get accostumed to the system during the first years, last ones should be a piece of cake.

Good luck, and remember it's all about getting through the first years.

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