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Forums - General Discussion - What's college like?

Finally, my childhood is over...It seems the last 12 years have flown by and now I'm about to go to college. At first I was reluctant to leave high school and actually thought I would cry on graduation day (I didn't). Now, however, I'm glad I'm out of high school and ready to enter a world of new people and new experiences.

 What I really want to know is what the first year of college is like. What should I do and avoid to survive? What should I expect? What are the chances of me dropping out? :p.

Anyway, if you are currently in college or if you have had the privilege of attending one, I would greatly appreciate any advice or comments.


3DS FC: 1306 6473 7511

Nintendod Network ID: xsorenx

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^High School all over again with more work. lol

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Don't worry so much dude. College is almost exactly like High School except with more freedom in every sense of the word. Just stay self motivated and force yourself to go to class every session and you should do fine. Basically if you did well in HS you'll probably do fine in College. The only real traps are those of self motivation since no one will be around anymore to hold your hand. But seeing as how you are so excited about the upcoming college years, I don't think the self motivation will be a problem.

GL to you.

... the good life. Basically you have a lot of freedom. I mean my first semester i was a bookworm because i remembered what all my teachers were saying my senior year of high school and how hard college is. so i studied my ass off and got all A's. it went downhill from there. I got to know many people and soon found myself not even attending classes. BIG MISTAKE! my grades slipped and i ended up losing my scholarship, but i'm still there. Your professors wont give you any homework, don't demand you to read anything, and might not even give you a review sheet for the exams. your completely on your own. They'll give you a schedule for the year and if you stick to it than you will do find. just try not to get distracted by the ladies and your good.


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Girls, lots of pretty girls.

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Hmmm, my strategy was also to study my ass off as I need to keep my scholarship as well. I'll probably take the earlier classes since I function better in the morning...and I'll endeavor to not get too distracted. But I think I'll do fine. There's always that inkling of doubt that I'll screw up majorly, though. =/

3DS FC: 1306 6473 7511

Nintendod Network ID: xsorenx

Add me for Pokemon, New Leaf, and Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.

You'll not have teachers nagging at you for doing your work.
So, you gotta motivate yourself one way or another.

It's a good time to date, too (if you haven't already). As long as you know not to let it interfere with your schooling.

Pick the people you hang out with wisely. It could make or break you.



Tech School

Community College


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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
ArtofAngels said:
Girls, lots of pretty girls.

I certainly hope so, because my school had a scarcity of pretty girls (of course, there were the ok-looking girls, but I'm talking about hot girls). I don't know what it was, but it seemed like my school zone didn't allow too many lookers. The handful of girls who were hot were way too cool for someone like me =(.

Anyway, High school is behind me. I should focus on studying on my first year.

3DS FC: 1306 6473 7511

Nintendod Network ID: xsorenx

Add me for Pokemon, New Leaf, and Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.

ssj12 said:


Tech School

Community College


I'm going to the University of Texas, which is like larger than some small towns. It's a pretty big school, but they offered to pay for most of the expenses and with some of the scholarships I got I'm totally covered.

But yeah, I'm going to a University.

3DS FC: 1306 6473 7511

Nintendod Network ID: xsorenx

Add me for Pokemon, New Leaf, and Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.