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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft unveiling new 360 RPGs next week in Japan

interesting but useless.

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keep em coming microsoft

Even if you don't like MS, you have to commend their tenacity when it comes to the Japanese market.


Lets see.....anything above the how horrible IU seems would be good...

Another LO type RPG would be perfect.

Or maybe

ZOMG FF13 goes to 360!!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Seems like the 360 is the console to get if you like RPGs.

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depends really....

LO is the only good one out (n even at that it wasn't liked by critics)....apart from that the rest are mediocre

Just wait till all these studios go to Wii when they see they can get more money that M$'s bribes by getting profit on the wii

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Soriku beat me to posting this, ya bum.

MS is RPG crazy this gen.


no I think they probably will show tales of vesperia n unveil Cry on....also maybe they bribed Namco for another JRPG

I am SERIOUSLY ROOTING for Wii to steal all the JRPG's from 360..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Soriku said:
I wonder what MS will moneyhat this time. I'm thinking they'll unveil Cry On from Mistwalker and maybe another Mistwalker game plus they'll unveil a third party game (FF XIII spin-off anyone? Star Ocean 4 - lol doubt it?)
why not? it makes perfect sense to make it multi-platform. gain more sales, and gain microsofts money, they may be moneyhats but they "TRY", something ninty or sony aren't doing.


Seriously, is there any good RPG out on any console so far? (can't think of one right now)