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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anyone else disappointed by Metroid Prime 3?

Another vote from me, in some ways i enjoyed this more than Galaxy. Great graphics, some really nice music, excellent controls once you got used to them.

I don't understand people saying it's more linear than the others in the series, they are all relatively linear if you follow all the clues give you. Perhaps the fact that you were clearly directed from one planet to another at times made it feel more obvious.

Along with Naznatips and a few other guys, i never had to go back to collect energy cells, i found all of them just on my playthrough. Perhaps those saying the game was too linear did not use the short leash the game gave you, allowing you to easily find the cells in the first place.

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omgwtfbbq said:
A. I don't get why everyone particularly complains about the energy cells business? Every single metroid prime game had a "fetch all these things to meet the final boss" quest. MP1 had some keys to unlock a gate, MP2 you had to kill those invisible Ing storage units to unlock another gate. Perhaps you played the other metroids too long ago that you forgot about them, but they've always been there.

B. As in all the previous games, I almost had almost every energy cell well before they were actually needed.

A. So... we should just look past this issue because the previous games have it? If it makes you feel better, I have the same opinion about the temple keys and the chozo artifacts.

B. Good job!

I actually thought MP3 was the best of the series. I really thought that game was amazing. It took what was good about the other games and streamlined it with better controls.

I think if MP3 was the first metroid game to come out since 2d Metroid, it woulda been reviewed as the highest rated game of all time.

I don't need your console war.
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You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Smeags said:
omgwtfbbq said:
A. I don't get why everyone particularly complains about the energy cells business? Every single metroid prime game had a "fetch all these things to meet the final boss" quest. MP1 had some keys to unlock a gate, MP2 you had to kill those invisible Ing storage units to unlock another gate. Perhaps you played the other metroids too long ago that you forgot about them, but they've always been there.

B. As in all the previous games, I almost had almost every energy cell well before they were actually needed.

A. So... we should just look past this issue because the previous games have it? If it makes you feel better, I have the same opinion about the temple keys and the chozo artifacts.

B. Good job!

Also, ah man, I think that's a nitpick. You can go collect all those energy cells in 30 minutes if you get their locations from Gamefaqs. However, I can't diminish anyone's opinion, I'm just saying that what you call an issue, I call a nitpick.

MP3 has by far the least backtracking of all the Metroid Prime games.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.



Oh yeah, I'm right there with ya. In an earlier post I called it "a small complaint in the grand scheme of things." I guess I was just kinda irked by omg's comment that we should just somehow ignore it because the previous games also had the issue where you had to "fetch all these things to meet the final boss"
Guess I was being a little dramatic.

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I liked that you could use Samus's ship. People complained about the backtracking in the other prime games. Corruption had less backtracking, and people complained that their wasn't enough backtracking. In Super Metroid, you had the speed boost to get back to previous areas quickly. Since they couldn't do the speed boost in first person, the ability to travel using your ship made the backtracking less tedious.

WiiU Network ID:  the_Ultros

PSN: Anthaleigh

Xbxox Live:  campblood1980

I could not stand the game. I only made it about two hours in before I gave up. The auto-target feels a lot worse this time around, and I hate FPS controls 90% of the time. The levels felt boring and devoid of atmosphere and the story was not compelling for me. I disliked the boss fights, and hated the regular random enemies. Maybe if I played enough to get the first alternate beam weapon I would be happy.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

@Gnizmo: give it another try. I like you was pretty underwhelmed at the beginning and liked the opening few hours much less than the previous games and went back to playing Mario Galaxy. I also found the control strange being so used to the GC versions. Once i got Mario Galaxy out of the way however and put i few hours into it i really started to enjoy it and ended up loving it.

p.s. make sure you are using advanced control

am i the only one who didn't do the fetch quest at the end? in fact.. by the time i finished the game i was wondering what the hell everyone was talking about, only to realise that i had been finding those energy cells before i was supposed to.. maybe i play the game abnormally, but whenever i get a new ability/beam, i look through all the maps i've played before and see if i can explore them further.. meaning by the time i hit valhalla, i didn't have any more cells to find

was that just me?

Not just you, several people said the same.